![]() adriana malkova nicole segaud |
speeches—which he wrote himself—were non partisan but carried a conservative pro business message he was influenced by Lemuel Boulware a senior GE executive Boulware known for his tough stance against unions and his innovative strategies to win over workers championed the core tenets of modern American conservatism free markets anticommunism lower taxes and limited government Eager for a larger stage but not allowed to enter politics by GE he quit and formally registered as a Republican He often said "I didn t leave the Democratic Party The party left me" When legislation that would become Medicare was introduced in Reagan created a recording for the American Medical Association warning that such legislation would mean the end of freedom in America Reagan said that if his listeners did not write letters to prevent it "we will awake to find that we have socialism And if you don t do this and if I don t do it one of these days you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children s children what it once was like in America when men were free " He also joined the National Rifle Association and would become a lifetime member Reagan gained national attention in his speeches for conservative presidential contender Barry Goldwater in Speaking for Goldwater Reagan stressed his belief in the importance of smaller government Consolidating themes he had developed in talks for GE he argued in "A Time for Choosing" October The Founding Fathers knew a government can t control the economy without controlling people And they knew when a government sets out to do that it must use force and coercion to achieve its purpose So we have come to a time for choosing You and I are told we must choose between a left or right but I suggest there is no such thing as a left or right There is only an up or down Up to man s age old dream – the maximum of individual freedom consistent with order – or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism " This "A Time for Choosing" speech was not enough to turn around the faltering Goldwater campaign but it was the key event that established Reagan s national political visibility Governor of California – Main article Governorship of Ronald Reagan Ronald and Nancy Reagan celebrate his gubernatorial victory at the Biltmore Hotel in Los AngelesCalifornia Republicans were impressed with Reagan s political views and charisma after his "Time for Choosing" speech he announced in late his campaign for Governor of California in He defeated former San Francisco mayor George Christopher in the GOP primary In Reagan s campaign he emphasized two main themes "to send the welfare bums back to work" and in reference to burgeoning anti war and anti establishment student protests at the University of California at Berkeley "to clean up the mess at Berkeley" Ronald Reagan accomplished in what US Senator William F Knowland in and former Vice President Richard M Nixon in had tried he was elected defeating two term governor Edmund G "Pat" Brown and was sworn in on January In his first term he froze government hiring and approved tax hikes to balance the budget Shortly after the beginning of his term Reagan tested the presidential waters in as part of a "Stop Nixon" movement hoping to cut into Nixon s Southern support and be a compromise candidate if neither Nixon nor second place Nelson Rockefeller received enough delegates to win on the first ballot at the Republican convention However by the time of the convention Nixon had delegate votes more than he needed to secure the nomination followed by Rockefeller with Reagan in third place Reagan was involved in high profile conflicts with the protest movements of the era On May during the People s Park protests at UC Berkeley Reagan sent the California Highway Patrol and other officers to quell the protests in an incident that became known as "Bloody Thursday" resulting in the death of student James Rector and the blinding of carpenter Alan Blanchard Reagan then called out state National Guard troops to occupy the city of Berkeley for two weeks to crack down on the protesters A year after "Bloody Thursday" Reagan responded to questions about campus protest movements saying "If it takes a bloodbath let s get it over with No more appeasement " When the Symbionese Liberation Army kidnapped Patty Hearst in Berkeley and demanded the distribution of food to the poor Reagan joked to a group of political aides about a botulism outbreak contaminating the food Conversely in that one afternoon "Bloody Thursday" police officers were injured including one C H P officer who was knifed in the chest After calling in the National Guard the Guard remained in Berkeley for days camping in People s Park and demonstrations subsided as the University removed cordoned off fencing and placed all development plans for People s Park on hold The Reagans meeting with President Richard Nixon and First Lady Pat Nixon in July Early in the national debate on abortion was beginning Democratic California state senator Anthony Beilenson introduced the "Therapeutic Abortion Act" in an effort to reduce the number of "back room abortions" performed in California The State Legislature sent the bill to Reagan s desk where after many days of indecision he signed it About two million abortions would be performed as a result most because of a provision in the bill allowing abortions for the well being of the mother Reagan had been in office for only four months when he signed the bill and later stated that had he been more experienced as governor he would not have signed it After he recognized what he called the "consequences" of the bill he announced that he was pro life He maintained that position later in his political career writing extensively about abortion In Reagan signed the Mulford Act which became California penal code and c The bill repealed a law allowing public carrying of loaded firearms Named after Republican assemblyman Don Mulford the bill garnered national attention after the Black Panthers marched bearing arms upon the California State Capitol to protest the bill
Earth to touch the face of God
In near the end of the Iran–Iraq War the U S Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes accidentally shot down Iran Air Flight killing civilian passengers The incident further worsened already tense Iran–United States relations
War on DrugsMain article War on Drugs
Reagan announced a War on Drugs in in response to concerns about the increasing crack epidemic Though Nixon had previously declared a war on drugs Reagan advocated more militant policies
He said that "drugs were menacing our society" and promised to fight for drug free schools and workplaces expanded drug treatment stronger law enforcement and drug interdiction efforts and greater public awareness
In Reagan signed a drug enforcement bill that budgeted billion to fund the War on Drugs and specified a mandatory minimum penalty for drug offenses The bill was criticized for promoting significant racial disparities in the prison population and critics also charged that the policies did little to reduce the availability of drugs on the street while resulting in a great financial burden for America Defenders of the effort point to success in reducing rates of adolescent drug use First Lady Nancy Reagan made the War on Drugs her main priority by founding the "Just Say No" drug awareness campaign which aimed to discourage children and teenagers from engaging in recreational drug use by offering various ways of saying "no" Nancy Reagan traveled to cities in states raising awareness about the dangers of drugs including alcohol
Libya bombingMain article Bombing of Libya
UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher seen here with Reagan outside Downing Street London in June granted the U S use of British airbases to launch the Libya attackRelations between Libya and the United States under President Reagan were continually contentious beginning with the Gulf of Sidra incident in by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was considered by the CIA to be along with USSR leader Leonid Brezhnev and Cuban leader Fidel Castro part of a group known as the "unholy trinity" and was also labeled as "our international public enemy number one" by a CIA official These tensions were later revived in early April when a bomb exploded in a Berlin discothèque resulting in the injury of American military personnel and death of one serviceman Stating that there was "irrefutable proof" that Libya had directed the "terrorist bombing" Reagan authorized the use of force against the country In the late evening of April the United States launched a series of air strikes on ground targets in Libya
The UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher allowed the U S Air Force to use Britain s air bases to launch the attack on the justification that the UK was supporting America s right to self defense under Article of the United Nations Charter The attack was designed to halt Gaddafi s "ability to export terrorism" offering him "incentives and reasons to alter his criminal behavior" The president addressed the nation from the Oval Office after the attacks had commenced stating "When our citizens are attacked or abused anywhere in the world on the direct orders of hostile regimes we will respond so long as I m in this office" The attack was condemned by many countries By a vote of in favor to against with abstentions the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution which "condemns the military attack perpetrated against the Socialist People s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya on April which constitutes a violation of the Charter of the United Nations and of international law"
ImmigrationReagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act in The act made it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit illegal immigrants required employers to attest to their employees immigration status and granted amnesty to approximately three million illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January and had lived in the country continuously Critics argue that the employer sanctions were without teeth and failed to stem illegal immigration Upon signing the act at a ceremony held beside the newly refurbished Statue of Liberty Reagan said "The legalization provisions in this act will go far to improve the lives of a class of individuals who now must hide in the shadows without access to many of the benefits of a free and open society Very soon many of these men and women will be able to step into the sunlight and ultimately if they choose they may become Americans " Reagan also said "The employer sanctions program is the keystone and major element It will remove the incentive for illegal immigration by eliminating the job opportunities which draw illegal aliens here "
Iran–Contra affairMain articles Iran–Contra affair Reagan administration scandals and Nicaragua v United States
President Reagan receives the Tower Report in the Cabinet Room of the White House in In the Iran Contra affair became a problem for the administration stemming from the use of proceeds from covert arms sales to Iran during the Iran–Iraq War to fund the Contra rebels fighting against the government in Nicaragua which had been specifically outlawed by an act of Congress The Iran–Contra affair became a political scandal in the United States during the s The International Court of Justice whose jurisdiction to decide the case was disputed by the United States ruled that the United States had violated international law and breached treaties in Nicaragua in various ways see Nicaragua v United States
President Reagan professed that he was unaware of the plot s existence He opened his own investigation and appointed two Republicans and one Democrat John Tower Brent Scowcroft and Edmund Muskie known as the "Tower Commission" to investigate the scandal The commission could not find direct evidence that Reagan had prior knowledge of the program but criticized him heavily for his disengagement from managing his staff making the diversion of funds possible A separate report by Congress concluded that "If the president did not know what his national security advisers were doing he should have" Reagan s popularity declined from to in less than a week the greatest and quickest decline ever for a president The scandal resulted in fourteen indictments within Reagan s staff and eleven convictions
Many Central Americans criticize Reagan for his support of the Contras calling him an anti communist zealot blinded to human rights abuses while others say he "saved Central America" Daniel Ortega Sandinistan and president of Nicaragua said that he hoped God would forgive Reagan for his "dirty war against Nicaragua"
End of the Cold WarSee also Cold War –
Ronald Reagan speaks at the Berlin Wall s Brandenburg Gate challenging Gorbachev to "tear down this wall "Until the early s the United States had relied on the qualitative superiority of its weapons to essentially frighten the Soviets but the gap had been narrowed Although the Soviet Union did not accelerate military spending after President Reagan s military buildup their large military expenses in combination with collectivized agriculture and inefficient planned manufacturing were a heavy burden for the Soviet economy At the same time Saudi Arabia increased oil production which resulted in a drop of oil prices in to one third of the previous level oil was the main source of Soviet export revenues These factors contributed to a stagnant Soviet economy during Gorbachev s tenure
Reagan recognized the change in the direction of the Soviet leadership with Mikhail Gorbachev and shifted to diplomacy with a view to encourage the Soviet leader to pursue substantial arms agreements Reagan s personal mission was to achieve "a world free of nuclear weapons" which he regarded as "totally irrational totally inhumane good for nothing but killing possibly destructive of life on earth and civilization" He was able to start discussions on nuclear disarmament with General Secretary Gorbachev Gorbachev and Reagan held four summit conferences between and the first in Geneva Switzerland the second in Reykjavík Iceland the third in Washington D C and the fourth in Moscow Reagan believed that if he could persuade the Soviets to allow for more democracy and free speech this would lead to reform and the end of Communism
Speaking at the Berlin Wall on June Reagan challenged Gorbachev to go further saying "General Secretary Gorbachev if you seek peace if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe if you seek liberalization come here to this gate Mr Gorbachev open this gate Mr Gorbachev tear down this wall "
Gorbachev and Reagan sign the INF Treaty at the White House in Before Gorbachev s visit to Washington D C for the third summit in the Soviet leader announced his intention to pursue significant arms agreements The timing of the announcement led Western diplomats to contend that Gorbachev was offering major concessions to the United States on the levels of conventional forces nuclear weapons and policy in Eastern Europe He and Reagan signed the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces INF Treaty at the White House which eliminated an entire class of nuclear weapons The two leaders laid the framework for the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty or START I Reagan insisted that the name of the treaty be changed from Strategic Arms Limitation Talks to Strategic Arms Reduction Talks
When Reagan visited Moscow for the fourth summit in he was viewed as a celebrity by the Soviets A journalist asked the president if he still considered the Soviet Union the evil empire "No" he replied "I was talking about another time another era" At Gorbachev s request Reagan gave a speech on free markets at the Moscow State University In his autobiography An American Life Reagan expressed his optimism about the new direction that they charted and his warm feelings for Gorbachev In November ten months after Reagan left office the Berlin Wall was torn down the Cold War was officially declared over at the Malta Summit on December and two years later the Soviet Union collapsed
HealthEarly in his presidency Reagan started wearing a custom technologically advanced hearing aid first in his right ear and later in his left as well His decision to go public in regarding his wearing the small audio amplifying device boosted their sales
On July Reagan underwent surgery at Bethesda Naval Hospital to remove cancerous polyps from his colon He relinquished presidential power to the Vice President for eight hours in a similar procedure as outlined in the th Amendment which he specifically avoided invoking The surgery lasted just under three hours and was successful Reagan resumed the powers of the presidency later that day In August of that year he underwent an operation to remove skin cancer cells from his nose In October additional skin cancer cells were detected on his nose and removed
In January Reagan underwent surgery for an enlarged prostate which caused further worries about his health No cancerous growths were found however and he was not sedated during the operation In July of that year aged he underwent a third skin cancer operation on his nose
JudiciaryMain articles Ronald Reagan Supreme Court candidates and Ronald Reagan judicial appointments
During his campaign Reagan pledged that if given the opportunity he would appoint the first female Supreme Court Justice That opportunity came in his first year in office when he nominated Sandra Day O Connor to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Justice Potter Stewart In his second term Reagan elevated William Rehnquist to succeed Warren Burger as Chief Justice and named Antonin Scalia to fill the vacant seat Reagan nominated conservative jurist Robert Bork to the high court in Senator Ted Kennedy a Democrat of Massachusetts strongly condemned Bork and great controversy ensued Bork s nomination was rejected – Reagan then nominated Douglas Ginsburg but Ginsburg withdrew his name from consideration after coming under fire for his cannabis use Anthony Kennedy was eventually confirmed in his place Along with his three Supreme Court appointments Reagan appointed judges to the United States Courts of Appeals and judges to the United States district courts
Reagan also nominated Vaughn R Walker who would later be revealed to be the earliest known gay federal judge to the United States District Court for the Central District of California However the nomination stalled in the Senate and Walker was not confirmed until he was renominated by Reagan s successor George H W Bush
Early in his tenure Reagan appointed Clarence M Pendleton Jr of San Diego as the first African American to chair the United States Commission on Civil Rights Pendleton tried to steer the commission into a conservative direction in line with Reagan s views on social and civil rights policy during his time as tenure from until his sudden death in Pendleton soon aroused the ire of many civil rights advocates and feminists when he ridiculed the comparable worth proposal as being "Looney Tunes"
In Reagan commuted the year sentence of former Louisiana Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry Gil Dozier a Democrat from Baton Rouge to the time served for violations of both the Hobbs and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations acts On September the United States District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana convicted Dozier of extortion and racketeering when he pushed companies doing business with his department to make campaign contributions on his behalf Reagan determined that the year sentence was excessive compared to what other political figures in similar circumstances had been receiving
Post presidency –
Ronald and Nancy Reagan in Los Angeles after leaving the White House early sAfter leaving office in the Reagans purchased a home in Bel Air Los Angeles in addition to the Reagan Ranch in Santa Barbara They regularly attended Bel Air Presbyterian Church and occasionally made appearances on behalf of the Republican Party Reagan delivered a well received speech at the Republican National Convention Previously on November the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library was dedicated and opened to the public At the dedication ceremonies five presidents were in attendance as well as six first ladies marking the first time that five presidents were gathered in the same location Reagan continued publicly to speak in favor of a line item veto the Brady Bill a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget and the repeal of the nd Amendment which prohibits anyone from serving more than two terms as president In Reagan established the Ronald Reagan Freedom Award with the newly formed Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation His final public speech was on February during a tribute to him in Washington D C and his last major public appearance was at the funeral of Richard Nixon on April
Alzheimer s diseaseAnnouncement and reactionIn August at the age of Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer s disease an incurable neurological disorder which destroys brain cells and ultimately causes death In November he informed the nation through a handwritten letter writing in part
I have recently been told that I am one of the millions of Americans who will be afflicted with Alzheimer s Disease At the moment I feel just fine I intend to live the remainder of the years God gives me on this earth doing the things I have always done I now begin the journey that will lead me into the sunset of my life I know that for America there will always be a bright dawn ahead Thank you my friends May God always bless you
After his diagnosis letters of support from well wishers poured into his California home
But there was also speculation over how long Reagan had demonstrated symptoms of mental degeneration Former CBS White House correspondent Lesley Stahl recounted that in her final meeting with the president in Reagan did not seem to know who Stahl was and that she came close to reporting that Reagan was senile but at the end of the meeting Reagan had regained his alertness However Dr Lawrence K Altman a physician employed as a reporter for the New York Times noted that "the line between mere forgetfulness and the beginning of Alzheimer s can be fuzzy" and all four of Reagan s White House doctors said that they saw no evidence of Alzheimer s while he was president Dr John E Hutton Reagan s primary physician from to said the president "absolutely" did not "show any signs of dementia or Alzheimer s" Reagan did experience occasional memory lapses though especially with names Reagan s doctors say that he only began exhibiting overt symptoms of the illness in late or several years after he had left office His former Chief of Staff James Baker considered "ludicrous" the idea that Reagan slept during cabinet meetings Other staff members former aides and friends said they saw no indication of Alzheimer s while he was president
The Reagans with a model of USS Ronald Reagan May At left is Newport News Shipbuilding Chairman and CEO Bill Fricks Complicating the picture Reagan suffered an episode of head trauma in July five years before his diagnosis After being thrown from a horse in Mexico a subdural hematoma was found and surgically treated later in the year Nancy Reagan citing what doctors told her asserts that her husband s fall hastened the onset of Alzheimer s disease although acute brain injury has not been conclusively proven to accelerate Alzheimer s or dementia Reagan s one time physician Daniel Ruge has said it is possible but not certain that the horse accident affected the course of Reagan s memory
ProgressionAs the years went on the disease slowly destroyed Reagan s mental capacity He was only able to recognize a few people including his wife Nancy He remained active however he took walks through parks near his home and on beaches played golf regularly and until he often went to his office in nearby Century City
Reagan suffered a fall at his Bel Air home on January resulting in a broken hip The fracture was repaired the following day and the year old Reagan returned home later that week although he faced difficult physical therapy at home On February Reagan reached the age of becoming the third former president to do so the other two being John Adams and Herbert Hoover with Gerald Ford George H W Bush and Jimmy Carter later reaching Reagan s public appearances became much less frequent with the progression of the disease and as a result his family decided that he would live in quiet semi isolation with his wife Nancy Nancy Reagan told CNN s Larry King in that very few visitors were allowed to see her husband because she felt that "Ronnie would want people to remember him as he was" After her husband s diagnosis and death Nancy Reagan became a stem cell research advocate urging Congress and President George W Bush to support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research something Bush opposed In she praised President Barack Obama for lifting restrictions on such research Mrs Reagan has said that she believes that it could lead to a cure for Alzheimer s
DeathMain article Death and state funeral of Ronald Reagan
Reagan s casket lying in state in the United States Capitol rotundaReagan died of pneumonia complicated by Alzheimer s disease at his home in Bel Air California on the afternoon of June A short time after his death Nancy Reagan released a statement saying "My family and I would like the world to know that President Ronald Reagan has died after years of Alzheimer s disease at years of age We appreciate everyone s prayers " President George W Bush declared June a National Day of Mourning and international tributes came in from around the world Reagan s body was taken to the Kingsley and Gates Funeral Home in Santa Monica California later in the day where well wishers paid tribute by laying flowers and American flags in the grass On June his body was removed and taken to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library where a brief family funeral was held conducted by Pastor Michael Wenning His body lay in repose in the Library lobby until June over people viewed the coffin
On June Reagan s body was flown to Washington D C where he became the tenth United States president to lie in state in thirty four hours people filed past the coffin
On June a state funeral was conducted in the Washington National Cathedral and presided over by President George W Bush Eulogies were
given by former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and both former President George H W Bush and President George W Bush Also in attendance were Mikhail Gorbachev and many world leaders including British Prime Minister Tony Blair Prince Charles representing his mother Queen Elizabeth II German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and interim presidents Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan and Ghazi al Yawer of Iraq
After the funeral the Reagan entourage was flown back to the Ronald W Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley California where another service was held and President Reagan was interred At the time of his death Reagan was the longest lived president in U S history having lived years and days years months and days longer than John Adams whose record he surpassed He is now the second longest lived president just days fewer than Gerald Ford He was the first United States president to die in the st century and his was the first state funeral in the United States since that of President Lyndon B Johnson in
His burial site is inscribed with the words he delivered at the opening of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library "I know in my heart that man is good that what is right will always eventually triumph and that there is purpose and worth to each and every life "
Ronald Reagan in at his home at Rancho del CieloSince Reagan left office in substantial debate has occurred among scholars historians and the general public surrounding his legacy Supporters have pointed to a more efficient and prosperous economy as a result of Reagan s economic policies foreign policy triumphs including a peaceful end to the Cold War and a restoration of American pride and morale Proponents also argue Reagan restored faith in the American Dream with his unabated and passionate love for the United States after a decline in American confidence and self respect under Jimmy Carter s perceived weak leadership particularly during the Iranian hostage crisis as well as his gloomy dreary outlook for the future of the United States during the election Critics contend that Reagan s economic policies resulted in rising budget deficits a wider gap in wealth and an increase in homelessness and that the Iran Contra affair lowered American credibility
Opinions of Reagan s legacy among the country s leading policy makers and journalists differ as well Edwin Feulner president of The Heritage Foundation said that Reagan "helped create a safer freer world" and said of his economic policies "He took an America suffering from malaise and made its citizens believe again in their destiny " However Mark Weisbrot co Director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research contended that Reagan s "economic policies were mostly a failure" while Howard Kurtz of The Washington Post opined that Reagan was "a far more controversial figure in his time than the largely gushing obits on television would suggest "
Despite the continuing debate surrounding his legacy many conservative and liberal scholars agree that Reagan has been the most influential president since Franklin D Roosevelt leaving his imprint on American politics diplomacy culture and economics through his effective communication dedicated patriotism and pragmatic compromising Since he left office historians have reached a consensus as summarized by British historian M J Heale who finds that scholars now concur that Reagan rehabilitated conservatism turned the nation to the right practiced a considerably pragmatic conservatism that balanced ideology and the constraints of politics revived faith in the presidency and in American exceptionalism and contributed to victory in the Cold War
Cold WarThe Cold War was a major political economic and military endeavor for over four decades but the confrontation between the two superpowers had decreased dramatically by the end of Reagan s presidency The significance of Reagan s role in ending the Cold War has spurred contentious and opinionated debate That Reagan played a role in contributing to the downfall of the Soviet Union is agreed but the extent of this role is continuously debated with many believing that Reagan s defense policies economic policies military policies and hard line rhetoric against the Soviet Union and Communism as well as summits with General Secretary Gorbachev played a significant part in ending the Cold War
United States President Ronald Reagan left and President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev meet in He was first among post–World War II presidents to put into practice the concept that the Soviet Union could be defeated rather than simply negotiated with a post Détente strategy a conviction that was vindicated by Gennadi Gerasimov the Foreign Ministry spokesman under Gorbachev who said that the Strategic Defense Initiative was "very successful blackmail The Soviet economy couldn t endure such competition " Reagan s aggressive rhetoric toward the USSR had mixed effects Jeffery W Knopf observes that being labeled "evil" probably made no difference to the Soviets but gave encouragement to the East European citizens opposed to communism
General Secretary Gorbachev said of his former rival s Cold War role " He was a man who was instrumental in bringing about the end of the Cold War" and deemed him "a great president" Gorbachev does not acknowledge a win or loss in the war but rather a peaceful end he said he was not intimidated by Reagan s harsh rhetoric Margaret Thatcher former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom said of Reagan "he warned that the Soviet Union had an insatiable drive for military power but he also sensed it was being eaten away by systemic failures impossible to reform " She later said "Ronald Reagan had a higher claim than any other leader to have won the Cold War for liberty and he did it without a shot being fired " Said Brian Mulroney former Prime Minister of Canada "He enters history as a strong and dramatic player in the Cold War " Former President Lech Walesa of Poland acknowledged "Reagan was one of the world leaders who made a major contribution to communism s collapse " That Reagan had little or no effect in ending the Cold War is argued with equal weight that Communism s internal weakness had become apparent and the Soviet Union would have collapsed in the end regardless of who was in power President Harry Truman s policy of containment is also regarded as a force behind the fall of the U S S R and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan undermined the Soviet system itself
Domestic and political legacy
Reagan in Minneapolis Minnesota Ronald Reagan reshaped the Republican party led the modern conservative movement and altered the political dynamic of the United States More men voted Republican under Reagan and Reagan tapped into religious voters The so called "Reagan Democrats" were a result of his presidency
After leaving office Reagan became an iconic influence within the Republican party His policies and beliefs have been frequently invoked by Republican presidential candidates since The Republican presidential candidates were no exception for they aimed to liken themselves to him during the primary debates even imitating his campaign strategies Republican nominee John McCain frequently said that he came to office as "a foot soldier in the Reagan Revolution" Reagan s most famous statement regarding the role of smaller government was that "Government is not a solution to our problem government is the problem "
Reagan has become an iconic figure in the Republican Party with praise for his accomplishments part of the standard GOP rhetoric a quarter century after his retirement Washington Post reporter Carlos Lozada notes how in the presidential race the main Republican contenders have adopted "standard GOP Gipper worship " including even Donald Trump who previously had been skeptical
The period of American history most dominated by Ronald Reagan and his policies concerning taxes welfare defense the federal judiciary and the Cold War is known today as the Reagan Era and emphasizes that the conservative "Reagan Revolution " led by Reagan had a permanent impact on the United States in domestic and foreign policy The Clinton presidency – is often treated as an extension of the Reagan Era as is the Bush presidency – Historian Eric Foner noted that the Obama candidacy in "aroused a great deal of wishful thinking among those yearning for a change after nearly thirty years of Reaganism "
Campaigning for the Democratic nomination in Barack Obama an American liberal interpreted how Reagan changed the nation s trajectory
I think Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not He put us on a fundamentally different path because the country was ready for it I think they felt like with all the excesses of the s and s and government had grown and grown but there wasn t much sense of accountability in terms of how it was operating I think that people he just tapped into what people were already feeling which was we want clarity we want optimism we want a return to that sense of dynamism and entrepreneurship that had been missing
Cultural and political imageAccording to columnist Chuck Raasch "Reagan transformed the American presidency in ways that only a few have been able to" He redefined the political agenda of the times advocating lower taxes a conservative economic philosophy and a stronger military His role in the Cold War further enhanced his image as a different kind of leader Reagan s "avuncular style optimism and plain folks demeanor" also helped him turn "government bashing into an art form"
Ronald Reagan s approval ratings Date Event Approval Disapproval
March Shot by Hinckley
January High unemployment
April Libya bombing
February Iran Contra affair Presidents of the United States" "American Presidents" and "U S Presidents" redirect here For the C SPAN series see American Presidents Life Portraits For other uses see President of the United States disambiguation
For lists of U S Presidents based on other criteria such as age or home state see Template Lists of US Presidents and Vice Presidents
The White House in Washington D C is the president s official residence the center of the administration and a prominent symbol of the office
Under the United States Constitution the President of the United States is the head of state and head of government of the United States As chief of the executive branch and face of the federal government as a whole the presidency is the highest political office in the United States by influence and recognition The president is also the commander in chief of the United States Armed Forces The president is indirectly elected to a four year term by an Electoral College or by the House of Representatives should the Electoral College fail to award an absolute majority of votes to any person Since the ratification of the Twenty second Amendment to the United States Constitution in no person may be elected President more than twice and no one who has served more than two years of a term to which someone else was elected may be elected more than once Upon the death resignation or removal from office of an incumbent President the Vice President assumes the office The President must be at least years of age has to have lived in the United States for years and has to be a "natural born" citizen of the United States
This list includes only those persons who were sworn into office as president following the ratification of the United States Constitution which took effect on March For American leaders before this ratification see President of the Continental Congress The list does not include any Acting Presidents under the Twenty fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution
There have been people sworn into office and presidencies as Grover Cleveland served two non consecutive terms and is counted chronologically as both the nd and th president Of the individuals elected as president four died in office of natural causes William Henry Harrison Zachary Taylor Warren G Harding and Franklin D Roosevelt four were assassinated Abraham Lincoln James A Garfield William McKinley and John F Kennedy and one resigned Richard Nixon
George Washington the first president was inaugurated in after a unanimous vote of the Electoral College William Henry Harrison spent the shortest time in office with days in Franklin D Roosevelt spent the longest with over twelve years but died shortly into his fourth term in he is the only president to have served more than two terms A constitutional amendment affecting presidents after Harry Truman was passed to limit the number of times an individual can be elected president Andrew Jackson the seventh president was the first to be elected by white men of all classes in after most laws barring non land owners from voting were repealed Warren Harding was the first elected after women gained voting rights in Four presidents – John Q Adams Rutherford B Hayes Benjamin Harrison and George W Bush – lost the popular vote but assumed office Bush was subsequently re elected with a popular majority John F Kennedy has been the only president of Roman Catholic faith and the current president Barack Obama is the first president of African descent
List of presidents
Living former presidents
See also
External links
List of presidents None Federalist Democratic Republican Democratic Whig Republican
? Portrait President State Term of office Party Term
n Previous office Vice President
George Washington
February – December
Virginia April
March Non partisan
Commander in Chief
of the
Continental Army
– John Adams
John Adams
October – July
Massachusetts March
n Federalist
Vice President of the United States Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
April – July
Virginia March
March Democratic
Vice President of the United States Aaron Burr
March – March
George Clinton
March – April
James Madison
March – June
Virginia March
March Democratic
United States Secretary of State