![]() aggi nagy valentina velasquez |
Allen Mullikin Floyd Tate Goodbye Solo Father of Invention At Any Price Safe Haven David Raynr as Munroe Sweetlife Johnson Ricky Paull Goldin as Andy DeFalco Alex Paez as Hector Estrada Kevin Dillon Ed Rooney Donald Sutherland Brother Thadeus John Heard Brother Timothy Jay Patterson Brother Constance Katharine Ross as Joanna Eberhart Paula Prentiss as Bobbie Markowe Peter Masterson as Walter Eberhart Nanette Newman as Carol van Sant Shenandoah Ann With Jimmy Stewart The Singing Nun Nicole Arlien Mister Buddwing Janet The Longest Hundred Miles Laura Huntington Games Jennifer Montgomery The Graduate Elaine Robinson Golden Globe Award for New Star of the Year Actress Laurel Award for Female Supporting Performance Nominated—Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress Nominated—BAFTA Film Award for Newcomer to Leading Film Roles Hellfighters Tish Buckman With John Wayne Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Etta Place BAFTA Award for Best Actress also for Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here Lola With Robert Redford BAFTA Award for Best Actress also for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Fools Anais Appleton Get to Know Your Rabbit Nameless Woman They Only Kill Their Masters Kate Chance and Violence Docteur Constance Weber Limited release The Stepford Wives Joanna Eberhart Saturn Award for Best Actress Voyage of the Damned Mira Houser Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress Motion Picture The Betsy Sally Hardeman The Swarm Helena The Legacy Margaret Walsh With Sam Elliott The Final Countdown Laurel Scott Wrong Is Right Sally Blake Red Headed Stranger Laurie Limited release Conagher Evie Teale Television film with Sam Elliott A Climate for Killing Grace Hines Straight to video Home Before Dark Rose Straight to television Donnie Darko Dr Lilian Thurman Limited release Don t Let Go Charlene Stevens Unreleased Eye of the Dolphin Lucy Limited release Wini George Wini short
Jean Théophile Victor Leclerc radical revolutionist newspaper publisher
Victor Schoelcher abolitionist
Pierre Seel homosexual concentration camp survivor activist author
Séverine feminist
Flora Tristan feminist
Soldiers edit Jeanne d Arc
Chevalier Bayard
François Achille Bazaine
Jean Baptiste Bernadotte
Georges Boulanger
Thomas Robert Bugeaud
Raymond H A Carter
François de Charette
Louis II de Bourbon Prince of Condé known as le Grand Condé
Gaspard de Coligny
François Darlan
Louis Nicolas Davout
Bob Denard
Alfred Dreyfus
Charles François Dumouriez
Ferdinand Foch
Louis Franchet d Espèrey
Joseph Gallieni
Maurice Gamelin
Henri Gouraud
Bertrand du Guesclin
Joseph Joffre
Edmond Jouhaud
Jean Baptiste Jourdan
Alphonse Juin
Marie Pierre Kœnig
Jacques de la Palice
Charles Leclerc
Jean Lannes
Jean de Lattre de Tassigny
Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque
François Henri de Montmorency duc de Luxembourg
Hubert Lyautey
Patrice MacMahon
Charles Mangin
Claude Martin
André Masséna
Jacques Massu
Louis Joseph de Montcalm
Simon de Montfort
Philippe Morillon
Toussaint Guillaume Picquet de la Motte
Joachim Murat
Michel Ney
Robert Nivelle
Philippe Pétain
Comte de Rochambeau
Raoul Salan
Maurice Sarrail
Nicolas Soult
Louis Jules Trochu
Henri de Turenne
Étienne de Vignolles called La Hire
Claude Louis Hector de Villars
Maxime Weygand
Theologians edit O P Ordo Praedicatorum is the abbreviation used to indicate that someone is was a member of Dominican order a Catholic religious order S J Societas Iesu is the abbreviation used to indicate that someone is was a member of the Society of Jesus another Catholic religious order
Marie Émile Boismard O P
Jacques Bénigne Bossuet
Jean Calvin
Sebastian Castellio translator of the Bible
Pierre Cauchon condemned Joan of Arc
Bernard of Clairvaux
Jean Claude
Yves Congar O P
Reginald Garrigou Lagrange O P
Pierre Lagrange O P founder of the Ecole Biblique et Archeologique de Jérusalem
Hubert Languet
Maurice Leenhardt ethnologist theologian
François Picquet th century missionary in New France
Alexander de Rhodes S J th century missionary to Indochina
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin S J
Auguste Sabatier
Antonin Sertillanges O P founder of the Revue Thomiste
Others edit André Charles Boulle cabinet maker
Louis Braille blind inventor
Charles Cros poet and inventor
Jeanne Calment who reached the longest lifespan in human history at years and days
Jean René Champion first Free French Forces soldier to enter the city of Paris on its liberation in August
Pierre de Coubertin initiator of the modern Olympic Games
Jeanne d Arc Joan of Arc commander and Saint
Jean Louis David hairdresser
Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de Goncourt
Ninon de l Enclos courtesan patron of the arts
Cavalier de la Salle explorer
Marcel Deprez electrical engineer
René Dumont agronomist engineer and sociologist and ecology activist
Jules Dumont d Urville
Maurice Duverger jurist
Jean Baptiste Ebrard founder of Liverpool a chain of department stores in Mexico
Gustave Eiffel engineer
Pierre Charles L Enfant planned Washington D C
Charles Michel de l Épée founder of world s first public school for deaf people
Marquis de la Fayette military leader in the American Revolution
Arthur de Gobineau diplomat author of An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races
Paul Héroult inventor
Claude de Jouffroy d Abbans designed the first steamship in
René Lalique artist
Louis Maurice Adolphe Linant de Bellefonds explorer and canal engineer
Auguste and Louis Lumière inventors
Jean Paul Marat
Jacques Mayol freediver
Montgolfier brothers balloonists
Jean Marie Pelt botanist
Élisée Reclus geographer and anarchist
César Ritz hotelier
Maximilien Robespierre
Jean Eugène Robert Houdin magician namesake of "Harry Houdini"
Pierre Seel homosexual survivor of the concentration camps activist author
Philippe Starck designer
Vauban engineer
François Henri de la Motte French spy executed for treason in London
Eugène François Vidocq French convict turned spy considered the father of modern forensics
The Fifth Missile
Anything to Survive
Samurai Cowboy
Jingle All the Way
Garbage Day short film
Henry Silva as Rafeeq
Leslie Nielsen as Mallory
Hardy Krüger as Helmut Unger This is a list of notable Belgian people who either
are or were Belgian citizens during at least one period of their life
were born in Belgium or in the provinces of present day Belgium but who were not or are not Belgian citizens either because Belgium did not exist at the time of their life or because they had or have another citizenship The names of people of this category are italicized
The list also comprises
fictional characters who are undisputedly Belgians
important ones whose citizenship is unknown or not Belgian and with Belgian creators The names of fictional characters of this category are italicized
The same person may appear under several headings
Businesspeople and economists
Fictional characters
Military figures
Performing artists
Actors and actresses
Musicians and singers
Theater directors
A – C
E – K
N – R
S – U
W – Y
Religious figures
Theologians and clergymen
Resistance activists
Inventors and engineers
Political scientists and theorists
Automobile racing
Football soccer
Table tennis
Track and field
Water polo
Visual artists
See also
Artists edit Main article List of Belgian architects
Xaveer De Geyter born
Paul Hankar –
Victor Horta –
Paul Saintenoy –
Gustave Strauven –
Henry Van de Velde –
Bob Van Reeth Born
Jules Wabbes –
Hendrik Beyaert
Michel de Kemmeter born
Nicolas Ancion born
Gentil Theodoor Antheunis –
Pieter Aspe born
Henry Bauchau
Jean Marie Berckmans
Anton Bergmann –
Philipp Blommaert –
Louis Paul Boon –
Elisa Brune born
Herman Brusselmans born
Cyriel Buysse –
Emile Cammaerts –
Ernest Claes –
Hugo Claus –
Hendrik Conscience –
Julio Cortázar Argentinian writer born in Brussels
Joanna Courtmans –
Fernand Crommelynck
Johan Daisne
Jacques Danois –
Johan Michiel Dautzenberg –
Herman de Coninck –
Charles De Coster –
Julius de Geyter –
Michel De Ghelderode –
Lodewijk de Koninck –
Gilbert Delahaye
Patricia de Martelaere
Pol de Mont –
Filip De Pillecyn –
Paul De Wispelaere
Christine D Haen
Neel Doff –
Maria Doolaeghe –
Gaston Durnez –
Georges Eekhoud
Willem Elsschot
Jef Geeraerts
Guido Gezelle
Marnix Gijsen –
Maurice Gilliams
Jacqueline Harpman
Kristien Hemmerechts
Stefan Hertmans
Henry Kistemaeckers novelist and playwright –
Hubert Lampo
Tom Lanoye
Karel Lodewijk Ledeganck –
Camille Lemonnier
Suzanne Lilar – essayist novelist and playwright –
Rosalie Loveling –
Virginie Loveling –
Maurice Maeterlinck – Nobel Prize in Literature
Marcel Mariën – surrealist
Bob Mendes
Pierre Mertens
Henri Michaux – poet and painter
Ivo Michiels
Erwin Mortier – novelist essayist poet
Alice Nahon
Leonard Nolens
Amélie Nothomb
Pierre Nothomb
Paul Nougé – surrealist
Octave Pirmez
Charles Plisnier Prix Goncourt
Sophie Podolski –
Anne Provoost
Jean Ray pseudonym for Raymundus Joannes de Kremer –
Frans Rens –
Albrecht Rodenbach
Georges Rodenbach – Symbolist poet and novelist
Maria Rosseels –
Ward Ruyslinck
Georges Simenon
Jan Lambrecht Domien Sleeckx –
Ferdinand Augustijn Snellaert –
August Snieders –
Jan Renier Snieders –
Reimond Stijns –
Stijn Streuvels
Herman Teirlinck
Isidoor Teirlinck –
Jotie T Hooft
Felix Timmermans
Jan van Beers –
Jos Vandeloo
Walter van den Broeck
Karel van de Woestijne
Prudens van Duyse –
Raoul Vaneigem
Peter Frans Van Kerckhoven –
Jacob van Maerlant
Paul Van Ostaijen
Jan Theodoor van Rijswijck –
Anton van Wilderode –
Emile Verhaeren
Peter Verhelst
Dimitri Verhulst
August Vermeylen –
Gerard Walschap
Francois Weyergans
Jan Frans Willems –
Marguerite Yourcenar French novelist born in Belgium
Businesspeople and economists edit Albert Frère – self made businessman
Alexandre Galopin – – director of the Société Générale de Belgique
Alfred Lowenstein – soldier aviator sportsman entrepreneur
André Leysen and his sons Christian Leysen and Thomas Leysen
Bruno van Pottelsberghe born
Édouard Jean Empain
Étienne Davignon
Eric Ghysels
George Arthur Forrest
Georges Nagelmackers
Georges Jacobs
Gerdi Staelens – CEO of Winking
Gustave de Molinari – economist
Jean Pierre Hansen born – CEO of Electrabel
Michel de Kemmeter born
Luc Bertrand
Lieven Gevaert
Marc Coucke
Maurice Lippens
Philippe van Parijs
Philippus Jacobus Brepols –
Rob Heyvaert – founder of Capco
Silvio Gesell
Criminals edit Denis L Feron former CEO of Chemetco who fled the United States to avoid environmental charges
Nordine Ben Allal – multiple escapes
Madani Bouhouche
Pierre Carette – terrorist
Marc Dutroux – rapist and serial killer
Patrick Haemers
Murat Kaplan
Hans Van Themsche
Robert Jan Verbelen – – Nazi collaborator and murderer of businessman Alexandre Galopin
Kim De Gelder
Fictional characters edit Dr Evil – main villain in the Austin Powers films
Jo Zette and Jocko – Belgian by their creator at least Hergé
Hercule Poirot Agatha Christie – a private detective
Tintin – reporter
Samson en Gert – characters from a popular Flemish television series
Suske en Wiske
Gaston Lagaffe – cartoon character by André Franquin
Spirou et Fantasio – cartoon character by André Franquin
Achilles de Flandres – Antagonist in Orson Scott Card s Shadow series
Nero from Nero – comic book character by Marc Sleen
Adhemar from Nero – comic book character by Marc Sleen
Jommeke – comic book character by Jef Nys
De Kiekeboes comic book family about Marcel Kiekeboe and his family by Merho
De Smurfen van Peyo
Philippe Loren villain of the video game Saints Row The Third
Historians edit Philippe de Commines
Victor Amédée Jacques Marie Coremans –
François Louis Ganshof
Xavier Mabille
Ludo Martens
Anne Morelli
Henri Pirenne
Pierre François Xavier de Ram
Jan Vansina
Humorists edit Philippe Geluck best known for his comic strip "Le Chat"
Noël Godin "l entarteur" aka Monsieur Gloup Gloup
Geert Hoste
Lieven Scheire
Urbain Servranckx Urbanus
Wouter Deprez
Alex Agnew also the leadsinger of Diablo Blvd
Raymond Devos
Journalists edit Paul Beliën
Jacques Danois
Koenraad Elst
Cédric Gerbehaye
Germaine Van Parys – pioneering female photojournalist
Military figures edit Ambiorix – Gaulish warlord
Baldwin I of Jerusalem – Crusader King of Jerusalem
Baldwin I of Constantinople – Crusader first Latin Emperor
Jean Pierre de Beaulieu – Belgian born Austrian General
Adrian Carton de Wiart – Belgian born British Lieutenant General
Charlemagne founder of the Frankish Empire
Charles Martel Duke of the Franks stopped the Muslim expansion at Poitiers
Charles V Holy Roman Emperor
Clovis I King of the Franks
Lieutenant Colonel ret d Count Henry Robert Visart de Bury et de Bocarmé C B E
Godfrey of Bouillon – Crusader and first King of Jerusalem
Pepin of Herstal Duke of the Franks
Pepin the Short first Carolingian King of the Franks
Edgard Potier – Pilot during the World War II
Jean Schramme mercenary
Johann Tserclaes Count of Tilly – Field Marshal
Models edit Brigitta Callens
Elise Crombez
Sylvie De Caluwé
Véronique De Kock born in Antwerp
Tanja Dexters
Lea Haesaert
Hannelore Knuts
Yumi Lambert
Anouck Lepere supermodel born in Antwerp
Stephanie Meire
Ellen Petri
Ingrid Seynhaeve
Annelies Törös born in Antwerp
Jessica Van Der Steen from Antwerp
Ann Van Elsen
Hanne Gaby Odiele
Monarchs edit Main article List of Belgian monarchs
Albert I
Albert II
Baudouin I
Charles V of Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor
Charles VII of Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor
Clemens August of Bavaria Archbishop Elector of Cologne
Leopold I
Leopold II
Leopold III
Performing artists edit Actors and actresses edit Arend Pinoy
Patrick Bauchau
Jey Crisfar
Jan Decleir
André Delvaux
Émilie Dequenne
Cécile de France
Els Dottermans
Tim Driesen
Marie Gillain
Olivier Gourmet
Audrey Hepburn
Christian Labeau
Jacky Lafon
Yolande Moreau
Ann Petersen
Benoît Poelvoorde
Natacha Régnier
Lyne Renée
Jérémie Renier
Matthias Schoenaerts
Jean Claude Van Damme
Philippe Volter
Natacha Amal
Titus De Voogdt
Choreographers edit Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker
Composers edit Jean Absil
Florent Alpaerts
Peter Benoit
Gilles Binchois
Ivan Caryll
Jacob Clemens non Papa
Cypriano de Rore
Josquin des Prez
Guillaume Dufay
François Joseph Fétis
César Franck Belgian composer who worked in Paris
Karel Goeyvaerts
Nicolas Gombert
François Joseph Gossec
André Grétry
Joseph Jongen
Orlande de Lassus a k a Orlandus Lassus Orlando di Lasso born in the provinces of present day Belgium but before Belgium existed
Guillaume Lekeu
Jacques Loeillet – baroque composer
Jean Baptiste Loeillet de Ghent – baroque composer
Charles Loos
Wim Mertens
Marie Daulne
Vidna Obmana – the pseudonym of Dirk Serries
Johannes Ockeghem
Henri Pousseur
Didier van Damme
Pieter van Maldere
Carl Verbraeken
Henri Vieuxtemps
Giaches de Wert
Adrian Willaert
Filmmakers edit See also List of Belgian film directors
Chantal Akerman
Jean Jacques Andrien
Tom Barman
Lucas Belvaux born
Rémy Belvaux Man Bites Dog
Alain Berliner Ma vie en rose
Jan Bucquoy
Stijn Coninx
Carl Colpaert American born in Belgium
Gérard Corbiau
Jean Pierre Dardenne
Luc Dardenne
Robbe De Hert
André Delvaux
Armand Denis
Dominique Deruddere
Marc Didden
Jacques Feyder
Jonas Geirnaert
Harry Kümel
Roland Lethem
Benoît Mariage
Henri Storck
Erik Van Looy
Musicians and singers edit See also List of Belgian bands and artists
Salvatore Adamo Italian living in Belgium
Geike Arnaert – Hooverphonic
Marie Daulne – Zap Mama
Natacha Atlas
Wouter de Backer – Gotye was born in Belgium now lives in Australia
Tom Barman – dEUS
Claude Barzotti
Roger Jouret – Plastic Bertrand
Sarah Bettens – K s Choice
Sandy Boets – Xandee
Francy Boland jazz pianist arranger
André Brasseur
Jacques Brel
Tina Bride
Alex Callier – Hooverphonic
Stef Kamil Carlens – Zita Swoon
Philippe Catherine
Ann Christy
André Cluytens Belgian born conductor
Annie Cordy
Mathieu Crickboom violinist
Suzanne Danco soprano
Jeanine Deckers – Soeur Sourire a k a The Singing Nun
Wim De Craene
Arthur De Greef pianist and composer
Jean Luc De Meyer – Front
Luc De Vos – Gorki
Mike Dierickx – Push M I K E Trance DJ and producer Tim Driesen
Elmore D
Maurice Engelen – Praga Khan Lords of Acid
Peter Evrard winner of Idool Belgian edition of Pop Idol
Lara Fabian
Frédéric François
Stéphane Galland
Ferre Grignard
Piet Goddaer – Ozark Henry
Rita Gorr mezzo soprano
Arthur Grumiaux violinist
David Guetta French disc jockey of Belgian descent on mother s side
Fanny Heldy – opera soprano
Philippe Herreweghe – conductor
Arno Hintjens – TC Matic
Bobby Jaspar
Ya Kid K – Technotronic
Sandra Kim
Dani Klein – Vaya Con Dios
Flip Kowlier
Sigiswald Kuijken violinist and conductor
Philippe Lafontaine
Victor Lazlo
Fud Leclerc
Pierre Leemans conductor and composer
Jo Lemaire
Jan Leyers – Soulsister
Charles Loos
Helmut Lotti
Wim Mertens
Paul Michiels – Soulsister
Brian Molko – Placebo
Marc Moulin – Telex
Mauro Pawlowski – Evil Superstars dEUS
Bart Peeters
Belle Perez
Frédérique Petrides – née Mayer conductor
Pol Plançon basso
Pierre Rapsat
Axelle Red
Django Reinhardt
Kate Ryan
Liliane Saint Pierre
Bobbejaan Schoepen
Siouxsie Sioux Belgian father English mother
Jonas Steur – Trance DJ and Producer
Toots Thielemans
René Thomas
Rudy Trouvé
Will Tura
Luc Van Acker of The Revolting Cocks
Urbanus van Anus
Tim Vanhamel – Evil Superstars Eagles of Death Metal Millionaire
Raymond van het Groenewoud
Dirk Verbeuren – Soilwork
Peter Verhoyen flutist
Eddy Wally
Koen Wauters – Clouseau
Kris Wauters – Clouseau
Anne Wolf pianist
Eugène Ysaÿe violinist and composer
Tom Dice
Paul Van Haver – Stromae
Theater directors edit Bruno Belvaux
Christian Labeau
Stephen Shank
Politicians edit A – C edit Frans Ackerman
Magda Aelvoet
Bert Anciaux
Jules Joseph d Anethan
Gerolf Annemans
Bernard Anselme
Marie Arena
Auguste Beernaert – Nobel Peace Prize
Ivo Belet
Ward Beysen
Fons Borginon
Geert Bourgeois
Frederika Brepoels
Charles de Broqueville
Henri de Brouckere
Jules de Burlet
Bernard du Bus de Gisignies
Philippe Busquin
Henri Carton de Wiart
Marcel Cheron
Willy Claes
Philip Claeys
Guy Coëme
Alexandra Colen
André Cools
Gerhard Cooreman
Hugo Coveliers
D edit Rik Daems
Michel Daerden
André Damseaux
José Daras
Stefaan De Clerck
Willy De Clercq
Herman De Croo
Armand De Decker
Jean Marie Dedecker
Magda De Galan
Léon Degrelle
Karel De Gucht
Jean Defraigne
Jean Duvieusart
Jean Luc Dehaene
Jean Maurice Dehousse
Véronique De Keyser
Leon Delacroix
Francis Delpérée
Hendrik de Man
Rudy Demotte
Gérard Deprez
Erik Derycke
Paul Deschanel
Alain Destexhe
Mia De Vits
Patrick Dewael
Filip Dewinter
Karel Dillen
Koenraad Dillen
Elio Di Rupo
François Xavier de Donnea
Vera Dua
Daniel Ducarme
Antoine Duquesne
Isabelle Durant
E – K edit Lamoral Egmont
Saïd El Khadraoui
Gaston Eyskens
Mark Eyskens
Michel Foret
Richard Fournaux
Walthère Frère Orban
Jaak Gabriëls
Gaston Geens
Caroline Gennez
Jacques Germeaux
Jean Gol
Mathieu Grosch
Michel Hansenne
Pierre Harmel
Hervé Hasquin
Arthur Haulot
Alain Hutchinson
Camille Huysmans
Paul Emile Janson
Henri Jaspar
Pierre Jonckheer
L edit Henri La Fontaine – Nobel Peace Prize
Julien Lahaut – chairman of the Communist Party assassinated
Roger Lallemand
Auguste Lambermont
Karl Heinz Lambertz
Renaat Landuyt
Raymond Langendries
Joseph Lebeau
Edmond Leburton
Theodore Lefevre
Yves Leterme
Anne Marie Lizin
M edit Nelly Maes
Olivier Maingain
Philippe Mahoux
Jules Malou
Jean Claude Marcourt
Ludo Martens
Wilfried Martens
Philippe Maystadt
Charles Michel – current prime minister of Belgium
Louis Michel
Joëlle Milquet
Philippe Monfils
Philippe Moureaux
Felix de Muelenare
N – R edit Annemie Neyts Uyttebroeck
Jean Baptiste Nothomb
Charles Ferdinand Nothomb
Laurette Onkelinx
Joseph Pholien
Charles Picqué
Hubert Pierlot
Prosper Poullet
Jules Renkin
Jean Rey
Didier Reynders
Frédérique Ries
Charles Rogier
Gustave Rolin Jaequemyns founder of Institut de Droit International adviser to Rama V of Thailand
S – U edit Hugo Schiltz –
Frans Schollaert
Jacques Simonet
Miet Smet
Paul de Smet de Naeyer
Bart Somers
Antoinette Spaak
Paul Henri Spaak
Guy Spitaels
Bart Staes
Dirk Sterckx
Steve Stevaert
Frank Swaelen
Marc Tarabella
George Theunis
Bartholemy Théodore de Theux
Freddy Thielemans
Marianne Thyssen
Leo Tindemans
Bruno Tobback
Louis Tobback
Jules de Trooz
V edit Achille van Acker
Jacob van Artevelde
Frans Van Cauwelaert
Jean Claude Van Cauwenberghe
Johan Vande Lanotte
Hugo Vandenberghe
Paul Vanden Boeynants
Freya Van den Bossche
Luc Van den Bossche
Frank Vandenbroucke
Jules Vandenpeereboom
The family Vanderpoorten Arthur Herman and Marleen
Marleen Vanderpoorten
Emile Vandervelde
Frank Vanhecke
Johan Van Hecke
Pierre Edouard van Humbeeck
Anne Van Lancker
Dirk Van Mechelen
Karel Van Miert
Vincent Van Quickenborne
Eric Van Rompuy
Herman Van Rompuy
Jean Pierre Van Rossem
Paul Van Zeeland
Guy Verhofstadt
Inge Vervotte
W – Y edit Melchior Wathelet
Freddy Willockx
Charles Woeste
Yvan Ylieff
Religious figures edit Saints edit St Damien of Molokai
St Gertrude of Nivelles
St Gudula from Brussels and Eibingen – National Saint of Belgium and Patroness of Brussels
St John Berchmans
St Hubertus
St Meingold of Huy
Theologians and clergymen edit Joseph André priest Righteous among the Nations
Pieter Jan Beckx nd Superior General of the Jesuits
Jean Bolland – hagiographer
Adolf Daens – priest and politician
Godfried Danneels – cardinal
Victor Auguste Dechamps – cardinal
Charles A Didier – General Authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
Jacques Dupuis – Jesuit theologian interreligious dialogue
Henry of Ghent – medieval philosopher
Pierre Lambert Goossens – cardinal
Cornelius Jansen – bishop theologian Jansenism
Jean Baptiste Janssens – th Superior General of the Jesuits
Gustaaf Joos – cardinal
Peter Paul Lefevere – bishop
André Mutien Léonard – bishop
Leonardus Lessius – Jesuit theologian
Joseph Maréchal – philosopher psychologist
Désiré Joseph Mercier – cardinal
Everard Mercurian th Superior General of the Jesuits
Charles de Noyelle th Superior General of the Jesuits
Georges Pire – Dominican priest Nobel Peace Prize
Edward Poppe – blessed priest
Jozef Ernest van Roey – cardinal
Blessed John Ruysbroeck – mystic
Jan Pieter Schotte – cardinal
Brother René Stockman – Superior General of the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity
Leo Jozef Suenens – cardinal
Ferdinand Verbiest – Jesuit missionary in China Astronomer
Resistance activists edit Albert Guérisse –
Arthur Haulot –
Andrée "Dédée" de Jongh –
Marcel Louette –
Edgard Potier –
Suzanne Spaak –
Gabrielle Weidner –
Johan Hendrik Weidner –
Henri Reynders Dom Bruno –
Scientists edit Botanists edit Alfred Cogniaux –
Rembert Dodoens –
Barthélemy Charles Joseph du Mortier
Chemists edit Jean Claude Lorquet – theoretical chemist
Ilya Prigogine – theoretical chemist Nobel Prize in Chemistry born in Russia
Ernest Solvay – chemist
Jean Stas – chemist
Jan Baptist van Helmont – – chemist and physician
Geographers edit Gerardus Mercator – geographer
Abraham Ortelius – geographer
Geologists edit Alphonse Francois Renard – geologist and petrographer
Gaston Briart – geologist
Inventors and engineers edit Leo Hendrik Baekeland – inventor of bakelite
Robert Cailliau – information and control engineer
Zénobe Gramme – electrical engineer
Bart Preneel – cryptographer
Adolphe Sax – inventor of the saxophone
Arthur Vierendeel – engineer and inventor of the Vierendeel truss
Alfred Belpaire – steam locomotive engineer
Egide Walschaerts – steam locomotive engineer and inventor of the Walschaerts valve gear
André Waterkeyn – engineer best known for creating the Atomium
Joan Daemen – cryptographer Advanced Encryption Standard AES Rijndael
Vincent Rijmen – cryptographer Advanced Encryption Standard AES Rijndael
John Joseph Merlin – inventor associated with Cox s timepiece He also invented inline skates in
Mathematicians edit François d Aguilon – mathematician and physicist optics
Jean Bourgain – mathematician
Eugène Charles Catalan – mathematician
Ingrid Daubechies – mathematician and physicist
Pierre Deligne – mathematician Fields Medal
Jan Denef – mathematician
Jean Charles de la Faille – mathematician
Victor d Hondt lawyer and mathematician
Maurice Kraitchik – number theorist and recreational mathematician
Constantin Le Paige – mathematician
Adolphe Quetelet – mathematician and statistician
Simon Stevin – mathematician and engineer
André Tacquet – mathematician
Antoine Thomas – mathematician and Astronomer in China
Joseph Tilly – mathematician
Jacques Tits – mathematician
Charles Jean de la Vallée Poussin – mathematician
Adriaan van Roomen – mathematician
Physicists edit Georges Lemaître – deviser of the Big Bang Theory
Joseph Plateau – physicist
Francois Englert Nobel Prize in Physics
Political scientists and theorists edit Rik Coolsaet
Vincent de Coorebyter
Chantal Mouffe
Ernest Mandel
Abram Leon
Others edit Jules Bordet – Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Albert Claude – Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Christian De Duve – Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine born in Britain of Belgian parents
Frank De Winne – astronaut
Charles Frédéric Dubois and his son Alphonse Joseph Charles Dubois – naturalists
Dirk Frimout – first Belgian astronaut
John of Gaunt st Duke of Lancaster – born in Ghent
Adrien de Gerlache – explorer
Jan Baptist van Helmont – chemist physiologist and physician
Corneille Heymans – Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Albert Hustin – medical doctor the first to practice non direct blood transfusion
Paul Jorion – anthropologist sociologist cognitive scientist and enocomist
Marc Lacroix – biochemist and cancer researcher
Benoît Lengelé – medical doctor the first to perform a partial face transplant
Paul Janssen – scientist and founder of Janssen Pharmacuetica
Claude Lévi Strauss French scientist born in Belgium
Justus Lipsius – classical philologian
Michel Louette – ornithologist
Paul Otlet – information architect
Grégoire de Saint Vincent
Louis Joseph Seutin – surgeon
Catherine Verfaillie – stem cell researcher
Jos Verhulst – scientist philosopher
Etienne Vermeersch – philosopher
Andreas Vesalius – anatomist
Marc Waelkens – archeologist
Luce Irigaray – French philosopher born in Belgium
Louis De Geer – – born in Liège He is considered the father of Swedish industry
Sports edit Automobile racing edit Philippe Adams – Formula One driver
Bertrand Baguette – World Series by Renault champion IndyCar driver
Georges Berger – Formula One driver
Lucien Bianchi – Formula One driver
Thierry Boutsen – racing driver
Johnny Claes – Formula One driver
Jérôme d Ambrosio – Formula One driver currently driving for Virgin Racing
Charles de Tornaco – Formula One driver
Marc Duez – racing driver
François Duval – racing driver
Paul Frère – Formula One driver
Bertrand Gachot – racing driver
Olivier Gendebien – race car driver
Christian Goethals – Formula One driver
Jan Heylen – Champ Car veteran
Jacky Ickx – racing driver
Vanina Ickx – daughter of Jacky Le Mans regular
Camille Jenatzy – race car driver
Arthur Legat – Formula One driver
Bas Leinders – racing driver
Willy Mairesse – Formula One driver
André Milhoux – Formula One driver
Patrick Nève – Formula One driver
Théodore Pilette – racing driver
André Pilette – Formula One driver
Teddy Pilette born – Formula One driver
Jacques Swaters – Formula One driver
Eric van de Poele – Formula One driver
Basketball edit Ann Wauters
Thomas Van Den Spiegel
Cycling edit Including mountain biking and cyclo cross
Mario Aerts
Benoni Beheyt
Tom Boonen
Alex Close
Eric De Vlaeminck – cyclo cross
Roger De Vlaeminck
Fred de Bruyne
Stijn Devolder
Johan Bruyneel
Hélène Dutrieu
Philippe Gilbert
Matthew Gilmore – Australian turned Belgian
Willy Lauwers
Roland Liboton – cyclo cross
Freddy Maertens
Romain Maes
Filip Meirhaeghe – mountain biker
Axel Merckx – son of Eddy Merckx
Eddy Merckx – considered by many as the greatest cyclist ever
Jean Pierre Monseré
Johan Museeuw
Sven Nys – cyclo cross
Stan Ockers
Alberic Schotte
Patrick Sercu
Andrei Tchmil – Soviet turned Ukrainian turned Belgian
Philippe Thys
Lucien Van Impe
Frank Vandenbroucke
Rik Van Looy
Rik Van Steenbergen
Fencing edit Henri Anspach – épée & foil fencer Olympic champion
Paul Anspach épée & foil fencer time Olympic champion
Jacques Ochs épée fencer Olympic champion
Gaston Salmon épée fencer Olympic champion
Football soccer edit Philippe Albert – player
Aimé Anthuenis – coach
Walter Baseggio – player
Christian Benteke player
Roberto Bisconti – player
Jean Marc Bosman – player
Toni Brogno – player
Thomas Buffel – player
Jan Ceulemans – player coach
Lei Clijsters – player coach
Rik Coppens – player
Thibaut Courtois – goalkeeper
Bertrand Crasson – player
Koen Daerden – player
Gilles De Bilde – player
Frank De Bleeckere – referee
Glen De Boeck – player coach
Kevin De Bruyne – player
Mark De Man – player
Geert De Vlieger – goalkeeper
Filip De Wilde – goalkeeper
Steven Defour – player
Marc Degryse – player
Laurent Delorge – player
Mousa Dembélé – player
Olivier Deschacht – player
Olivier Doll – player
Marouane Fellaini – player
Régis Genaux – player
Eric Gerets – player coach
Raymond Goethals – coach
Bart Goor – player
Michaël Goossens – player
Georges Grün – player
Alan Haydock – player
Eden Hazard – player
Oleg Iachtchouk – player Ukrainian turned Belgian
Vincent Kompany – player
Jonathan Legear – player
Philippe Léonard – player
Nicolas Lombaerts – player
Romelu Lukaku – player
Steed Malbranque – player – French player born in Belgium
Sandy Martens – player
Joseph Mermans – player
Vic Mees – player
Simon Mignolet – goalkeeper
Kevin Mirallas – player
Emile Mpenza – player
Mbo Mpenza – player
Floribert N Galula – player
Luis Oliveira – player
Tristan Peersman – goalkeeper
Jean Marie Pfaff – goalkeeper
Luigi Pieroni – player
Michel Preud homme – goalkeeper coach
Silvio Proto – goalkeeper
Cédric Roussel – player
Enzo Scifo – player coach
Tony Sergeant – player
Francis Severeyns – player
Timmy Simons – player
Wesley Sonck – player
Lorenzo Staelens – player
Stijn Stijnen – goalkeeper
Branko Strupar – player – Croatian turned Belgian
Guy Thys – coach
Nico Vaesen – goalkeeper
Joos Valgaeren – player
Gilbert Van Binst – player
Daniel Van Buyten – player
Constant Vanden Stock – honorary president and former president and player of football club R S C Anderlecht
Roger Vanden Stock – president of football club R S C Anderlecht
Franky Van Der Elst – player coach
Gunter Van Handenhoven – player
Paul Van Himst – player coach
Wilfried Van Moer – player
Jan Van Steenberghe – player
Anthony Vanden Borre – player
Erwin Vandenbergh – player
Yves Vanderhaeghe – player
Franky Vercauteren – player coach
Gert Verheyen – player
Thomas Vermaelen – player
Jan Vertonghen – player
Eric Viscaal – player
Bernard Voorhoof – player
Johan Walem – player
Josip Weber – player
Marc Wilmots – football player and elected senator
Axel Witsel – player
Golf edit Laetitia Beck – Belgian born Israeli golfer
Nicolas Colsaerts – Ryder Cup winner
Judo edit Ingrid Berghmans – judoka olympic champion
Jean Marie Dedecker – coach
Ilse Heylen – judoka
Harry Van Barneveld – judoka
Gella Vandecaveye – judoka
Robert Van De Walle – judoka Olympic champion
Ulla Werbrouck – judoka Olympic champion
Motocross edit René Baeten – cc Motocross World Champion
Marnicq Bervoets – Top motocross competitor from the s
Sven Breugelmans – MX GP World Champion
Roger De Coster – Five time cc Motocross World Champion
Harry Everts – Three time Motocross World Champion father of Stefan Everts
Stefan Everts – Ten time Motocross World Champion
Eric Geboers – Five time Motocross World Champion
Sylvain Geboers – Motocross des Nations winner
Georges Jobé – Five time Motocross World Champion
André Malherbe – Three time Motocross World Champion
Jacky Martens – cc World Champion
Gaston Rahier – Three time cc Motocross World Champion
Steve Ramon – Two time Motocross World Champion
Joël Robert – Six time cc Motocross World Champion
Joël Smets – Three time cc Motocross World Champion
Swimming edit Brigitte Becue – swimmer
Gérard Blitz – Olympic bronze m backstroke International Swimming Hall of Fame
Fred Deburghgraeve – swimmer Olympic champion
Ingrid Lempereur – swimmer
Table tennis edit Jean Michel Saive – player
Tennis edit Sabine Appelmans – player
Els Callens – player
Kim Clijsters – player former World Masters – – winner and time Grand Slam singles champion
Kirsten Flipkens player
Justine Henin – player olympic champion former World Masters – winner and time Grand Slam singles champion
Xavier Malisse – player
Dominique Monami – player
Christophe Rochus – player
Olivier Rochus – player
Kristof Vliegen – player
Yanina Wickmayer player
Track and field edit Ivo Van Damme – athlete
Kim Gevaert – athlete European champion and metres
Tia Hellebaut – athlete European champion high jump olympic champion high jump
Karel Lismont – athlete
Emiel Puttemans – athlete
Gaston Roelants – athlete olympic champion
Patrick Stevens – athlete
Veerle Dejaeghere – athlete
Cédric Van Branteghem – athlete
Mohammed Mourhit – athlete
Triathlon edit Kathleen Smet – world champion
Luc Van Lierde – time world champion and winner Iron Man
Marc Herremans – wheelchair champion
Water polo edit Gérard Blitz – – swimming and waterpolo time Olympic silver time bronze one in swimming— m backstroke International Swimming Hall of Fame son of Maurice Blitz
Gérard Blitz – – water polo player and founder of the Club Med
Maurice Blitz – waterpoloist time Olympic silver father of Gérard Blitz
Henri Cohen – Olympic silver
Other edit Luca Brecel – snooker player
Annelies Bredael – rower
Raymond Ceulemans – billiards player
Frédéric Collignon – table soccer ITSF multi time and currently acting world champion
Nathalie Descamps – badminton player
Wendy Jans – Snooker player IBSF Women s World Champion
Tony Parker – NBA basketball player – French nationality born in Belgium
John Raphael rugby union player
Jacques Rogge – IOC president
Tarec Saffiedine – mixed martial artist
Seppe Smits – snowboarder
Bart Swings – inline and speed skater
Paul Van Asbroeck – marksman
Kevin van der Perren – figure skating
Hubert Van Innis – archer
Bart Veldkamp – speed skater
Ann Wauters – WNBA basketball player
Visual artists edit Comics edit See also List of comic creators § Belgium
Arthur Berckmans Berck
Jan Bosschaert
Raoul Cauvin
Didier Comès
François Craenhals
Luc Cromheecke
Paul Cuvelier
Renaat Demoen
Bob de Moor
André Paul Duchâteau
Dupa Luc Dupanloup
René Follet
Philippe Francq
André Franquin
Patryck de Froidmont
Jean Richard Geurts Janry
François Gilson
René Hausman
Hergé Georges Remi
Hermann Huppen
Victor Hubinon
Edgar P Jacobs
Janry Jean Richard Geurts
Jijé Joseph Gillain
Lambil Willy Lambillote
Roger Leloup
Marcel Marlier
Morris Maurice de Bevere
Jef Nys
Eddy Paape
Frank Pé
Peyo Pierre Culliford
Jean Roba
François Schuiten
Yves Sente
Marc Sleen Marc Neels
Philippe Tome Philippe Vandevelde
William Vance
Willy Vandersteen
Jean Van Hamme
François Walthéry
Will Willy Maltaite
Fashion edit see also Antwerp Six
Dirk Bikkembergs
Veronique Branquino
Liz Claiborne American designer born in Belgium
Elise Crombez
Ann Demeulemeester
Martin Margiela
Hanne Gaby Odiele
Raf Simons
Olivier Strelli
Walter Van Beirendonck
Dries van Noten
Painters edit Main article List of Belgian painters
Pierre Alechinsky – Cobra member
Joachim Beuckelaer
Adriaen Brouwer
Pieter Bruegel the Elder and his family including Pieter Brueghel the Younger Jan Brueghel the Elder and Jan Brueghel the Younger
Robert Campin
Petrus Christus
Emile Claus – impressionism
Gerard David
Philippe de Champaigne
Gaspar de Crayer
Raoul De Keyser – abstract painter
Paul Delvaux – surrealist
Jean Delville – symbolist painter
Joseph Noiret – painter and poet
Gustave De Smet – expressionism
Sam Dillemans
James Ensor
Frans Floris
Guy Huygens
Albert Demuyser
Adriaen Isenbrandt
Jacob Jordaens
Justus of Ghent
Fernand Khnopff – symbolist
Georges Emile Lebacq – Impressionist Post Impressionist painter
Limbourg brothers – manuscript illuminators
Lambert Lombard
Jan Mabuse
René Magritte – surrealist
Xavier Mellery – symbolist
Hans Memling
Kwinten Metsys a k a Quentin Matsys Quentin Massys
Constant Permeke – expressionist
Pieter Pourbus
Roger Raveel
Félicien Rops
Peter Paul Rubens – Baroque painter Artists edit Roberto Aizenberg painter and sculptor
Oscar Alemán jazz guitarist
Antonio Alice portrait painter
Martha Argerich concert pianist
Marcelo Álvarez tenor
Daniel Barenboim pianist and conductor
Ricardo Basta jewelry designer
Adolfo Bellocq lithographer
Antonio Berni painter
Norma Bessouet painter
Erminio Blotta sculptor
Julio Bocca ballet dancer
Gino Boccasile advertiser
Fabiana Bravo soprano
Alberto Breccia cartoonist
Jorge Calandrelli composer
Emilio Caraffa painter
Ricardo Carpani muralist
Carybé Argentine Brazilian painter
Eleonora Cassano dancer
Juan Carlos Castagnino painter
Eduardo Catalano architect and sculptor
Alejandro Christophersen painter and architect
Ciruelo cartoonist
Gustavo Cochet painter
Pío Collivadino painter
Copi Raúl Damonte Botana cartoonist
José Cura tenor
Pablo Curatella Manes sculptor
Ernesto de la Cárcova painter
Jorge de la Vega painter
Cesáreo Bernaldo de Quirós painter
Ángel María de Rosa sculptor
Helmut Ditsch painter
Jorge Donn dancer
Julio Ducuron painter
Elizabeth Eichhorn sculptor
Fernando Fader painter
León Ferrari constructivist sculptor
Bernarda Fink mezzosoprano
Leonor Fini painter
Ingrid Fliter pianist
Lucio Fontana sculptor
Roberto Fontanarrosa satirist and cartoonist
Norma Fontenla ballerina
Raquel Forner painter
Sol Gabetta cellist
Manuel García Ferré cartoonist
Nicolás García Uriburu painter and ecologist
Guillermo Gianninazzi sculptor
Reynaldo Giudici painter
Paloma Herrera dancer
Martín Irigoyen composer and musician
María Cristina Kiehr soprano
Gyula Kosice sculptor
Sebastian Krys music producer
Horacio Lavandera concert pianist
Julio Le Parc sculptor
Cándido López painter
Alberto Lysy concert violinist
Rómulo Macció painter
Eduardo Mac Entyre painter
Maitena Maitena Burundarena cartoonist
Tomás Maldonado painter
Martín Malharro painter
Marcel Martí sculptor
Lucien Achille Mauzan advertiser sculptor
Dominic Miller guitarist
Marta Minujín conceptual artist
Mia Maestro singer and actress
Florencio Molina Campos illustrator
Lola Mora Dolores Mora de la Vega sculptor
Guillermo Mordillo cartoonist
José Neglia ballerino
Luis Felipe Noé painter
Marianela Núñez dancer
Oscar Conti Oski cartoonist
Quino Joaquín Salvador Lavado cartoonist
Raquel Partnoy painter
Pérez Celis painter and muralist
Emilio Pettoruti painter
Alberto Portugheis concert pianist
Anselmo Piccoli painter
Eolo Pons painter
Prilidiano Pueyrredón painter
Antonio Pujía sculptor
Benito Quinquela Martín painter
Silvia Roederer pianist
Guillermo Roux painter
Hermenegildo Sábat cartoonist
Alberto Saichann illustrator
Eduardo Schiaffino painter
Antonio Seguí painter
María Isabel Siewers classical guitarist
Ramón Silva painter
María Simón sculptor
Eduardo Sívori painter
Xul Solar watercolorist sculptor inventor of languages
Benjamín Solari Parravicini painter and psychic
Raúl Soldi painter
Lino Enea Spilimbergo painter
Sebastian Spreng painter and stage designer
Juan Carlos Stekelman painter
Ricardo Supisiche painter
Carlos Trillo cartoonist
Luigi Trinchero sculptor
Terig Tucci violinist and composer
Rogelio Yrurtia sculptor
Business edit Jorge Antonio industrialist
Otto Bemberg industrialist
Jorge Brito banker
Carlos Bulgheroni industrialist
Eduardo Costantini businessman
Torcuato di Tella industrialist
Eduardo Elsztain businessman
Alfredo Fortabat industrialist
Marcos Galperin internet entrepreneur
Daniel Hadad businessman
Patrick Lynch businessman and ancestor of Che Guevara
Francisco Macri industrialist
Mauricio Macri businessman and Mayor of Buenos Aires
Eduardo Madero businessman
Carlos Miguens Bemberg businessman
Nicolás Mihanovich businessman
Francisco de Narváez businessman
Patricio Peralta Ramos developer
Gregorio Pérez Companc businessman
Agostino Rocca industrialist
Paolo Rocca industrialist
Santiago Soldati businessman
Enrique Susini businessman
Ernesto Tornquist businessman
Martín Varsavsky businessman
Jaime Yankelevich businessman and television pioneer
Composers edit Ernesto Acher
Eduardo Arolas
Amancio Jacinto Alcorta
Eduardo Alonso Crespo
Agustín Bardi
Esteban Benzecry
Jose Antonio Bottiroli
Enrique Cadícamo
Francisco Canaro
Juan José Castro
Mario Davidovsky
Julio de Caro
Carlos di Sarli
Homero Expósito
Gabino Ezeiza
Eduardo Falú
Juan de Dios Filiberto
Roberto Firpo
Gilardo Gilardi
Alberto Ginastera
Osvaldo Golijov
Carlos Guastavino
Martín Irigoyen
Rubén Juárez
Mauricio Kagel
Emilio Kauderer
Carlos López Buchardo
Enrique Maciel
Homero Manzi
Rodolfo Mederos
Juana Molina
Mariano Mores
Sixto Palavecino
Ástor Piazzolla
Ariel Ramírez
Waldo de los Ríos
Gustavo Santaolalla
Vicente Scaramuzza
Lalo Schifrin
Oscar Strasnoy
Alicia Terzian
Alejandro Viñao
Ezequiel Viñao
Alberto Williams
Entertainment edit A K edit Miguel Abuelo musician
Alejandro Agresti filmmaker
Antonio Agri violinist
Pablo Alarcón actor
Charly Alberti drummer and activist
Tito Alberti jazz drummer
Oscar Alemán guitarist
Alfredo Alcón actor
Norma Aleandro actress
Leonardo Nam actor
Pola Alonso actress
Malena Alterio actress
Héctor Alterio actor
Luis César Amadori film director
Blanquita Amaro actress
Brenda Asnicar actress and singer
Mike Amigorena actor and musician
Elvia Andreoli actress
Héctor Anglada actor
Ana Arneodo actress
Pampita Carolina Ardohain model and actress
Imperio Argentina actress and flamenco dancer
Ana Arneodo actress
Federico Aubele musician
Fernando Ayala filmmaker
Pedro Aznar jazz bass guitarist
Héctor Babenco filmmaker
Christian Bach actress
Carlos Balá children s television host
Monchi Balestra radio personality and television host
Amelita Baltar tango singer
Gato Barbieri saxophonist
Dora Baret actress
Daniel Barone filmmaker
Sara Barrié actress
Berenice Bejo actress
María Luisa Bemberg filmmaker
Lorena Bernal model and actress
Florencia Bertotti actress producer and singer
Amelia Bence actress
Lola Berthet actress
Héctor Bidonde actor and politician
Fabián Bielinsky filmmaker
Mauricio "Moris" Birabent rock composer and musician
Thelma Biral actress
Betiana Blum actress
Camila Bordonaba actress singer and musician
Tato Bores humorist
Graciela Borges actress
Patricio Borghetti actor
Aída Bortnik screenwriter
Juan Diego Botto actor
Sofía Bozán actress
Luis Brandoni actor and politician
Fabiana Bravo soprano
Norman Briski actor and theatre director
Argentina Brunetti actress and writer
Alicia Bruzzo actress
Rodrigo El Potro Rodrigo cuarteto singer
Chris de Burgh singer
Daniel Burman film director
Facundo Cabral singer
Miguel Caló bandoneónist
Marciano Cantero singer
Israel Adrián Caetano Uruguayan Argentine filmmaker
Andrés Calamaro songwriter and rock keyboard player
Juan José Campanella filmmaker
Norma Gladys Cappagli Miss World
Diego Capusotto comedian
Moria Casán dancer and actress
Ana Casares actress
Alfredo Casero TV entertainer
Gustavo Cerati guitarist of Soda Stereo
Segundo Cernadas actor
Gustavo Collini Sartor butoh dancer
Felipe Colombo actor songwriter and musician Mexican Argentine
María Concepción César vedette
Julio Chávez actor
Paula Chaves model and actress
Chenoa singer
Graciana Chironi actress
Agustina Cherri actress and dancer
Jesica Cirio dancer and model
María Teresa Costantini actress
Pascual Contursi lyricist
Juan Carlos Copes tango dancer and choreographer
Irma Córdoba actress
Ada Cornaro actress
Ignacio Corsini singer
Antonella Costa actress
Edgardo Cozarinsky filmmaker
Linda Cristal actress
Quirino Cristiani cartoonist and film director
Lito Cruz actor and theatre director
Antonio Cunill Cabanellas theatre director
Patricia Dal actress
Elsa Daniel actress
Juan d Arienzo tango composer and bandleader
Ricardo Darín actor
Pamela David model
Andrea Del Boca actress
Hugo del Carril tango vocalist
Florencia De La V transsexual actress
Alberto de Mendoza actor
Iván de Pineda model and talk show host
Julieta Díaz actress
Yamila Diaz Rahi model
Raúl di Blasio pianist
Alejandro Dolina writer commentator and critic
Juanjo Domínguez folk guitarist
Martin Donovan filmmaker
Alejandro Doria filmmaker
Dorismar model show host
Ulises Dumont actor
Nancy Dupláa actress
Paulette Duval actress
María Clara D Ubaldo singer
Pablo Echarri actor
Emanuel magician
Roberto Escalada actor
Laura Natalia Esquivel actress and singer
Juan Falú guitarist
Leonardo Favio actor singer and filmmaker
Ada Falcón actress
Soledad Fandiño actress and model
Luján Fernández model
Gachi Ferrari actress and model
José A Ferreyra filmmaker
Candela Ferro journalist and model
Golde Flami actress
Gabriela Flores actress
Vera Fogwill actress
Dolores Fonzi actress
Guillermo Francella actor and comic
Hugo Fregonese film director
Catherine Fulop actress Venezuelan by birth Argentine citizen
Mario Gallo pioneering filmmaker
Verónica Gamba model
Carlos Gandolfo stage actor and director
Delia Garcés actress
Charly García musician
Antonio Gasalla comedian
León Gieco singer and musician
Susana Giménez actress show host
Araceli González model and actress
Julie Gonzalo actress
Roberto Goyeneche tango vocalist
Darío Grandinetti actor
Jorge Guinzburg humorist and journalist
Rocío Guirao Díaz model
Antonia Herrero actress
Olivia Hussey Olivia Osuna actress
Narciso Ibáñez Menta actor and filmmaker
Imperio Argentina actress and singer
Adrián Iaies jazz pianist
Rocío Igarzabal actress
Carlos Inzillo jazz clarinetist and producer
Martín Irigoyen composer musician
Carlos La Mona Jiménez singer
Kevin Johansen singer and musician
Juan José Jusid filmmaker
Guido Kaczka actor producer and television show host
David Kavlin actor singer radio and television host
Martín Karadagian professional wrestler
Sergio Kleiner actor
León Klimovsky filmmaker
L Z edit La Argentina flamenco dancer
La Argentinita flamenco dancer
Lydia Lamaison actress
Libertad Lamarque singer and actress
Fernando Lamas actor
Justo Lamas singer
Kurt Land screenwriter and director
Romina Lanaro model
Víctor Laplace actor
Raúl Lavié tango vocalist
Ricardo Lavié actor
Inda Ledesma actress and theatre director
Nélida Lobato vedette
María Cristina Laurenz actress
René Lavand magician
Mirtha Legrand María Rosa Martínez actress and show host
Silvia Legrand actress
Libertad Leblanc actress
Ana Lenchantin cellist
Paz Lenchantin bassist violinist
Alejandro Lerner songwriter and pianist
Saúl Lisazo actor
Marga López actress
Carlos López Puccio musician
Darío Lopilato actor
Luisana Lopilato actress and model
Florencia Lozano actress
Silvina Luna model and actress
Virginia Luque actress
Federico Luppi actor
Tito Lusiardo actor
Mía Maestro actress
Ángel Magaña actor
Jorge Maggio actor
Arturo Maly actor
Mona Maris actress
Jorge Maronna musician
José Marrone children s television host
Jorge Marrale actor
Niní Marshall comedienne
Lucrecia Martel theater and film director
Duilio Marzio actor
Gerardo Masana musician
Mirta Teresita Massa Miss International
Valeria Mazza model
Claribel Medina actress Puerto Rican by birth Argentine citizen
Esteban Mellino comedian
Tita Merello singer and actress
Cecilia Méndez model
Juan Carlos Mesa humorist and screenwriter
Nito Mestre singer and rock musician
Eduardo Mignogna filmmaker
Alberto Migré writer and director
Amanda Miguel singer
Sandra Mihanovich musician
Juan Minujín actor
Osvaldo Miranda actor
Marianela Mirra model and actress
Luis Moglia Barth filmmaker
Juana Molina actress and musician
Inés Molina actress
Ricardo Montaner singer Argentine born Venezuelan citizen
Nuri Montsé actress
Mercedes Morán actress
Marcela Morelo singer
Cris Morena María Cristina di Giacomi actress writer and producer of television
Zully Moreno actress
Bertha Moss actress
Marcos Mundstock musician
Berta Muñiz actress
Norma Beatriz Nolan Miss Universe
Carlos Núñez Cortés musician
Carlos Olguin Trelawny film director screenwriter
Héctor Olivera filmmaker
Alberto Olmedo comedian
Palito Ortega singer
Mecha Ortiz actress
Fito Páez songwriter and rock keyboard player
Pappo Norberto Napolitano rock musician
Malvina Pastorino actress
Soledad Pastorutti folk & pop singer
Gastón Pauls actor
Luciana Pedraza actress and filmmaker
Carolina Peleritti actress and model
Mario Pergolini variety show host
Diego Peretti actor
Carla Peterson actress
Melina Petriella actress
Roberto Pettinato TV entertainer
Ana María Picchio actress
Malena Pichot comedian and actress
Cecilia Pillado actress classical pianist Argentine by birth
Marcelo Piñeyro filmmaker
Lucciano Pizzichini is a child prodigy guitarist and the youngest artist sponsored by Gibson Guitars
Jorge Polaco filmmaker
Lola Ponce singer actress and model
Jorge Porcel comedian
Naomi Preizler model and artist
Luca Prodan Italian born rock composer and leader of Argentine band Sumo
Luis Puenzo Academy Award winning filmmaker
Osvaldo Pugliese tango composer
Eugène Py pioneering cinematographer
Lorenzo Quinteros actor
Rodolfo Ranni actor Italian born
Daniel Rabinovich musician
Sergio Renán director of film and theatre
Alejandro Rey actor
Susana Rinaldi singer
Calu Rivero actress
Edmundo Rivero tango singer
Inés Rivero model
Nélida Roca vedette
Belén Rodríguez model and actress
Elena Roger actress
Benjamín Rojas actor singer and musician
Alita Román actress
Manuel Romero filmmaker
Cecilia Roth actress
Ariel Rotter filmmaker
Ingrid Rubio actress
Sebastián Rulli Argentine born Mexican citizen actor
Mario Sábato filmmaker
Sabrina Sabrok model and TV entertainer
Horacio Salgán pianist
Dino Saluzzi jazz bandoneónist
Miguel Sánchez comedian actor show host
Sandro de América singer
Gustavo Santaolalla composer and musician Academy Award winner in and
Julio Saraceni filmmaker
Isabel Sarli actress
Lidia Elsa Satragno news anchor talk show hostess and politician
Josefina Scaglione actress and singer
Milagros Schmoll model
María Martha Serra Lima singer
Soledad Silveyra actress
Fernando Siro actor and director
Mario Soffici actor
Alejandro Sokol bassist and drummer
Miguel Ángel Solá actor
Fernando Solanas fimmaker and politician
Juan Soler actor
Julia Solomonoff actress
Pepe Soriano actor
Carlos Sorín filmmaker
Coti Sorokin songwriter musician composer
Mercedes Sosa folk singer
Hugo Soto actor
Chango Spasiuk folk musician and singer
Luis Alberto Spinetta rock musician and composer
Bruno Stagnaro filmmaker
Lita Stantic filmmaker
René Strickler actor
Adrián Suar actor and producer
María Eugenia Suárez actress
Silvana Suárez Miss World
Eliséo Subiela filmmaker
Damián Szifrón actor and television director
María del Luján Telpuk model
Juan Carlos Thorry actor and tango musician
Marcelo Tinelli TV entertainer
Leopoldo Torre Nilsson filmmaker
Diego Torres actor singer and musician
Leopoldo Torres Ríos filmmaker
Yésica Toscanini model
Pablo Trapero filmmaker
Aníbal Troilo tango bandoneónist and songwriter
Paulina Trotz Fernández model
Daniela Urzi model
Héctor Varela tango musician
Micaela Vázquez actress
Natalia Verbeke actress
Diego Verdaguer actor
Candela Vetrano actress
Soledad Villamil actress
Chunchuna Villafañe actress
Lito Vitale musician
Alejandro Wiebe television host
Axel Witteveen musician
Atahualpa Yupanqui Héctor Roberto Chavero folk songwriter and musician
Sofía Zámolo model
Pablo Ziegler Grammy award winning pianist composer and arranger
Olga Zubarry actress
Fashion edit Alan Faena fashion designer and developer
Paco Jamandreu haute couturier confidant of First Lady Eva Perón
Journalism edit Fray Mocho José Sixto Álvarez journalist and writer
Osvaldo Bayer journalist and filmmaker
Andrés Bellatti journalist
José Luis Cabezas photojournalist
Alicia Dujovne Ortiz journalist and biographer
Daniel Frescó radio and television anchor
Andrew Graham Yooll news editor and writer
Enrique Gratas television news reporter
Mariano Grondona television anchorman
Hugo Guerrero Marthineitz Peruvian Argentine radio host and commentator
Leonardo Henrichsen photojournalist
David Kraiselburd newspaper publisher
Jorge Lanata journalist and writer
José Mármol journalist and writer
Karen Maron war correspondent
Tomás Eloy Martínez journalist writer and newspaper founder
Eduardo Montes Bradley journalist writer filmmaker
Joaquín Morales Solá journalist commentator and anchor
Conrado Nalé Roxlo journalist and writer
Roberto Noble journalist politician and publisher
Andrés Oppenheimer television anchorman
Horacio Pagani sportswriter and announcer
José María Pasquini Durán journalist and writer
Roberto Payró journalist and publisher
Pedro Sevcec television anchorman
Rodolfo Terragno journalist and politician
Jacobo Timerman journalist and writer
Bernardo Verbitsky journalist and writer
Horacio Verbitsky journalist activist and writer
Constancio C Vigil journalist writer and publisher
Public service edit Military edit Ignacio Álvarez Thomas early military leader
Carlos María de Alvear early military leader
Pedro Aramburu dictator –
Manuel Belgrano politician creator of the Argentine flag in
Federico de Brandsen early military leader
Guillermo Brown distinguished admiral
Hippolyte de Bouchard privateer and early captain of Argentine Navy
Eustaquio Díaz Vélez early military leader
Leopoldo Galtieri dictator –
Antonio González de Balcarce early military leader
Martín Miguel de Güemes early military leader
Juan Gregorio de las Heras early military leader
Juan Lavalle early military leader
Juan Carlos Onganía dictator –
Enrique Mosconi petroleum industry promoter
José María Paz early military leader
Juan Martín de Pueyrredón early military leader
Martín Rodríguez early military leader
José Rondeau early military leader
José de San Martín general liberator of Argentina Chile and Perú from Spain
Manuel Savio steel industry promoter
Samuel Spiro navy captain
Jorge Videla dictator –
Politics edit Juan Bautista Alberdi constitutional scholar
Leandro Alem founder of the centrist Radical Civic Union
Oscar Alende reformist governor
Raúl Alfonsín president –
Ricardo Alfonsín politician
Álvaro Alsogaray conservative economist
Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear president –
José Arce diplomat
Ricardo Balbín prominent leader of the "Unión Cívica Radical" party
José Ber Gelbard Peronist economic adviser
Hermes Binner Socialist governor of Santa Fé Province the first so elected
Hebe de Bonafini head of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo
Ángel Borlenghi labor leader
Leopoldo Bravo politician and diplomat
Teodoro Bronzini former Socialist mayor of Mar del Plata the first to head a major Argentine city
Dante Caputo diplomat
Elisa Carrió politician
Domingo Cavallo economist
Jorge Cepernic governor
Julio Cobos Vice President of Argentina
Fernando de la Rúa president –
Francisco de Narváez politician
Guido di Tella diplomat
Luis María Drago diplomat
Eduardo Duhalde president –
Aldo Ferrer economist
Rogelio Frigerio economist
Arturo Frondizi president –
Rubén Giustiniani politician
Ernesto "Che" Guevara Marxist revolutionary
Arturo Illía president –
Juan B Justo founder of the Argentine Socialist Party
Alicia Moreau de Justo wife of Juan B Justo and prominent socialist leader
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner president since
Néstor Kirchner president –
Roberto Lavagna economist
Estanislao López early pro autonomy leader
José López Rega fascist adviser to Pres Perón
José Alfredo Martínez de Hoz conservative economist
Francisco Manrique politician creator of current national medical and housing funds
Carlos Menem president –
Lorenzo Miguel labor leader
Bartolomé Mitre president –
Mariano Moreno independence era leader and reformer
Enrique Mosconi promoter of national oil industry
Hugo Moyano labor leader
Raimundo Ongaro labor leader
Alfredo Palacios socialist leader
Raúl Prebisch economist
Juan Domingo Perón president – –
Eva Duarte de Perón influential first lady
Isabel Martínez de Perón first lady and president –
Juan Pistarini public works minister and vicepresident
Facundo Quiroga early pro autonomy leader
Bernardino Rivadavia president
Julio Roca president – –
Dardo Rocha reformist governor and founder of La Plata
Juan Manuel de Rosas strongman –
José Ignacio Rucci labor leader
Carlos Saavedra Lamas diplomat
Amadeo Sabattini reformist governor
Roque Sáenz Peña president and promulgator of the secret ballot in Argentina
Domingo Sarmiento writer educator and president –
Daniel Scioli former speedboater later vice president and governor
Jorge Enea Spilimbergo poet Marxist theorist and politician
Margarita Stolbizer politician
Saúl Ubaldini labor leader
Justo José de Urquiza first president of the modern era
Dalmacio Vélez Sársfield author of civil and commercial codes
Hipólito Yrigoyen president – –
Religion edit Ángel Abrea General Authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints
Enrique Angelelli assassinated Bishop of La Rioja
Pope Francis current head of the Catholic Church
Mamerto Esquiú friar and activist
José Gabriel Funes Jesuit priest and current director of the Vatican Observatory
Antonio Gauchito Gil th century healer
Claudio Lepratti assassinated priest and anti poverty activist
Carlos Mugica assassinated priest and anti poverty activist
Ceferino Namuncurá divinities student recently beatified
Luis Palau prominent Protestant evangelical preacher
Pedro Opeka priest missionary and humanitarian
Mario Pantaleo priest healer and humanitarian
Mario Rodríguez Cobos Silo spiritual leader writer and activist
Royalty edit Princess Catharina Amalia of the Netherlands half Argentine
Princess Alexia of the Netherlands half Argentine
Princess Ariane of the Netherlands half Argentine
Queen Máxima of the Netherlands Máxima Zorreguieta Argentine
Sports edit See Category Argentine sportspeople for a complete list
Magdalena Aicega field hockey player
José Acasuso tennis player
Mariano Aguerre polo player
Pablo Aimar football player
Serena Amato sailor
Osvaldo Ardiles football soccer player
Luciana Aymar hockey player
Carlos Baldomir world champion boxer
Georgina Bardach swimmer bronze medal in Summer Olympics
Alfio Basile football player and coach
Gabriel Batistuta football player
Carlos Bianchi football player and coach
Carlos Bilardo football player and coach
Ringo Bonavena boxer
Daniel Brailovski football player midfielder
Delfo Cabrera sprinter
Ángel Cabrera "El Pato Criollo" golfer
Agustín Calleri tennis player
Adolfo Cambiaso polo player
Esteban Cambiasso football player
Mauro Camoranessi football player
Guillermo Cañas tennis player
Claudio Caniggia football player
Juan Carlos Cárdenas football player
Bartolomé Castagnola polo player
Jorge Castro world champion boxer
Martín Castrogiovanni rugby player
Fernando Cavenaghi football soccer player
Juan Ignacio Chela tennis player
Germán Chiaraviglio pole vaulter
José Luis Clerc tennis player
José Cóceres golfer
Juan Martín Coggi world champion boxer
Felipe Contepomi rugby player
Guillermo Coria tennis player
Ignacio Corleto rugby player
Hernán Crespo football player
Juan Esteban Curuchet cyclist
Sebastián Crismanich taekwondo athlete
Juan Martín del Potro tennis player
Roberto DeVicenzo golfer
Angel Di Maria football player
Alfredo Di Stéfano football player
Carolina Duer world champion boxer
Gisela Dulko tennis player
Vito Dumas yachting
Jonathan Erlich tennis player
Carlos "Camau" Espínola sailor
Gastón Etlis tennis player
Guillermo Falasca boleyball player
Miguel Ángel Falasca boleyball player
Juan Manuel Fangio Formula One five time world champion race car driver
Clarisa Fernández tennis player
Susana Ferrari Billinghurst aviator
Luis Firpo boxer
Juan Antonio Flecha cyclist
Andrés Franzoia football player
Germán Frers yachting
Víctor Galíndez world champion boxer
Oscar Gálvez race car driver
José Eulogio Gárate football player
Alejandra García high jumper
José María Gatica boxer
Gastón Gaudio tennis player
Manu Ginóbili basketball player
Griselda González runner
Inés Gorrochategui tennis player
Estanislao Goya golf player
Martín Gramática American football player
Esteban Guerrieri race car driver
Gabriel Heinze football player
María de la Paz Hernández known as "Maripí" hockey player
Juan Martín Hernández rugbyer
Martín Jaite tennis player highest world ranking
Giselle Kañevsky field hockey Olympic bronze
Mario Kempes football player
Daniela Krukower judoka World Champion under kg
Santiago Lange sailor
Santos Laciar world champion boxer
Mario Ledesma rugbyer
Lucas Legnani ten pin bowler
Lucas Licht football player
Pechito López race car driver
Germán Lux football player
Enrique Mansilla racing driver
Diego Armando Maradona Soccer player
Héctor Leonardo Marinaro Soccer player
Karina Masotta field hockey player
Leonardo Mayer tennis player
César Luis Menotti Soccer player and coach
José Meolans swimmer
Lionel Messi football player
Marcos Milinkovic volleyball player
Juan Mónaco tennis player
Lucas Monteverde polo player
Carlos Monzón world champion boxer
Claudio Morresi football player
David Nalbandián tennis player
Andrés Nocioni basketball player
José María Núñez Piossek rugby player
Fabricio Oberto basketball player
Andrea Orlandi sportwooman half Argentine
Luciano Orquera rugby player
Martín Palermo football player
Oscar Panno chess grandmaster
Paula Pareto judoka
Sergio Parisse rugby player
Mercedes María Paz tennis player
José Pekerman football player and coach
Pascual Pérez first Argentine world boxing champion
Ramiro Pez rugbier
Walter Pérez cyclist
Agustín Pichot captain of Los Pumas the national rugby team
Facundo Pieres polo player
Gonzalo Pieres Jr polo player
Hugo Porta rugby player
Mariano Puerta tennis player
Carlos Reutemann Formula One race car driver and politician
Juan Román Riquelme football player
Cristian Rodríguez boxer
Cecilia Rognoni grass hockey player
Juan Martillo Roldán boxer
Andrés Romero golfer
Eduardo Romero golfer
Gabriela Sabatini tennis player
Pitu Salerni María Emilia Salerni tennis player
Walter Samuel football player
Javier Saviola football player
Lionel Scaloni football player
Diego Sebastián Schwartzman tennis player
Luis Scola basketball player
Hugo Sconochini basketball player
Noemí Simonetto de Portela athlete silver medal at Summer Olympics
Juan Pablo Sorín football player defender
Alejandro Spajic volleyball player
Osvaldo Suárez olympic marathonist
Paola Suárez tennis player
Patricia Tarabini tennis player
Nicolás Tauber football player
Diana Taurasi WNBA basketball player parents are Argentine
Carlos Tevez football player
David Trezeguet football player half Argentine son of Jorge Trezeguet
Jorge Trezeguet football player
Esteban Tuero racing driver
Fabiana Vallejos women s soccer player
Julio Velasco former volleyball coach
Juan Sebastián Verón football player
Guillermo Vilas tennis player
Solange Witteveen high jumper
Juan Carlos Zabala sprinter
Sciences edit Luis Agote M D devised first safe blood transfusion
Juan Bautista Ambrosetti anthropologist and naturalist
Florentino Ameghino naturalist
Cosme Argerich M D
José Antonio Balseiro nuclear physicist
Lino Barañao biochemist and current Minister of Science
Dan Jacobo Beninson nuclear physicist
Jorge Bobone astronomer
José Bonaparte paleontologist
Eduardo Braun Menéndez physiologist
Mario Bunge physicist
Hermann Burmeister naturalist
Luis Caffarelli mathematician
Alberto Calderón mathematician
Ramón Carrillo neurosurgeon and first Minister of Health
Carlos Ulrrico Cesco astronomer
Rodolfo Coria paleontologist
Miguel Rolando Covian physiologist
Roberto Dabbene ornithologist
Salvador Debenedetti archaeologist
Pablo de León space scientist
René Favaloro surgeon inventor of the coronary bypass surgery
Hilario Fernández Long structural engineer and educator
Enrique Finochietto surgeon and inventor of numerous surgical tools
Richard Gans physicist
Mario Garavaglia physicist
Ramón Enrique Gaviola astrophysicist
Mario Giovinetto geographer
Juan Hartmann astronomer
Eduardo Ladislao Holmberg geologist and zoologist
Bernardo Houssay Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology
Luis Huergo engineer
Armando Theodoro Hunziker botanist
Miguel Itzigsohn astronomer
Jakob Laub physicist
Luis Federico Leloir Nobel Laureate in Chemistry
Domingo Liotta M D cardiologist and inventor of the first purely artificial heart
Juan Martín Maldacena physicist
José María Mainetti oncologist
Julio Isidro Maiztegui epidemiologist
Salvador Mazza epidemiologist
César Milstein Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Pharmacology
Francisco Moreno explorer
Julio Navarro astrophysicist
Fernando Novas paleontologist
Guillermo O Donnell politic scientist
Miguel Ondetti pharmaceutical scientist
Virpi Niemelä astronomer
Raúl Pateras Pescara helicopter pioneer
Livio Dante Porta mechanical engineer
Jorge Sabato physicist
Julio José Gustavo Sardagna neurologist and neurosurgeon
Tito Scaiano laser chemist
Carlos Segers astronomer
Manuel Sadosky computer scientist
Luis Santaló mathematician
Friedrich Schickendantz naturalist
Carlos Varsavsky astrophysicist
Miguel Angel Virasoro physicist
Juan Vucetich inventor of the modern technique of fingerprinting
Abraham Willink entomologist
Roberto Zaldívar M D
Writers edit Main article List of Argentine writers
César Aira
Almafuerte Pedro Bonifacio Palacios
Juan Argerich
Roberto Arlt
Hilario Ascasubi
Enrique Banchs
Roni Bandini
Héctor Bianciotti
Adolfo Bioy Casares
Isidoro Blaisten
Jorge Luis Borges
Elsa Bornemann
Jose Antonio Bottiroli
Silvina Bullrich
Susana Calandrelli
Eugenio Cambaceres
Miguel Cané
Martín Caparrós
Evaristo Carriego
Leonardo Castellani
Abelardo Castillo
Julio Cortázar
Estanislao del Campo
Haroldo Conti
Gabino Coria Peñaloza
Roberto Cossa
Agustín Cuzzani
Marco Denevi
Antonio di Benedetto
Osvaldo Dragún
Esteban Echeverría
Samuel Eichelbaum
Jorge Fondebrider
Luis Franco
Rodrigo Fresán
Silvio Frondizi
Griselda Gambaro
Juan Gelman
Alberto Gerchunoff
Oliverio Girondo
Angélica Gorodischer
Carlos Gorostiza
Juana Manuela Gorriti
Paul Groussac
Eduardo Gudiño Kieffer
Beatriz Guido
Ricardo Güiraldes
Eduardo Gutiérrez