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Movie Title Year Distributor Notes Rev Formats Bockbiersex 1974 Tabu Love NonSex Ob Dirndl oder Lederhos' gejodelt wird ganz wild drauflos 1974 Muller Film NonSex The veneration of the dead, including one's ancestors, is based on love and respect for the deceased. In some cultures, it is related to beliefs that the dead have a continued existence, and may possess the ability to influence the fortune of the living. Some groups venerate their direct, familial ancestors. Certain sects and religions, in particular the Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholic Church, venerate saints as intercessors with God; the latter also believes in prayer for departed souls in Purgatory. Other religious groups, however, consider veneration of the dead to be idolatry and a sin. In Europe, Asia, Oceania, African and Afro-diasporic cultures, the goal of ancestor veneration is to ensure the ancestors' continued well-being and positive disposition towards the living, and sometimes to ask for special favours or assistance. The social or non-religious function of ancestor veneration is to cultivate kinship values, such as filial piety, family loyalty, and continuity of the family lineage. Ancestor veneration occurs in societies with every degree of social, political, and technological complexity, and it remains an important component of various religious practices in modern times. Contents 1 Overview 2 West and Southeast African cultures 2.1 Serer of Senegal & Gambia 2.2 Madagascar 3 Asian cultures 3.1 Cambodia 3.2 China 3.3 India 3.3.1 Tuluva Culture 3.3.2 Assam 3.3.3 Paliya 3.3.4 Pitru Paksha 3.3.5 Sacrifices 3.4 Indonesia 3.5 Korea 3.6 Myanmar 3.7 Philippines 3.8 Sri Lanka 3.9 Thailand 3.10 Vietnam 4 European cultures 4.1 Brythonic Celtic cultures 4.2 Gaelic Celtic cultures 5 North America 6 Islam 7 Ancient cultures 7.1 Ancient Egypt 7.2 Ancient Rome 8 See also 9 References 10 External links
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