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Movie Title Year Distributor Notes Rev Formats Angel in Distress 1982 Avon Video Facial O Consenting Adults 1982 Video-X-Pix BJOnly DRO Midnight Heat 1983 VCA LezOnly O Palm Springs or Bust 1994 Big Top Video Facial DRO Story of Prunella 1982 Avon Video BJOnly Facial 1 O Widespread Scandals of Lydia Lace 1982 Caballero Home Video BJOnly logic, as well as aesthetics. America saw the development of a school of Hegelian thought move toward pragmatism. German twentieth-century neo-Hegelians In Germany there was a neo-Hegelianism (Neuhegelianismus) of the early twentieth century, partly developing out of the Neo-Kantians. Richard Kroner wrote one of its leading works, a history of German idealism from a Hegelian point of view. Other notable neo-Hegelians Karl Marx (1818–1883), a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary. Francis Herbert Bradley (1846–1924), a British absolute idealist who adapted Hegel's Metaphysics. Bernard Bosanquet (1848–1923), a British idealist and speculative philosopher who had an important influence in political philosophy and public and social policy. Josiah Royce (1855–1916), an American defender of absolute idealism.
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