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Movie Title Year Distributor Notes Rev Formats Beach Volleyball Play with Street Gal 2014 Kira Kira Swimming Instructor 2013 Attackers Scrying, also known by various names such as "seeing" or "peeping", is the practice of looking into a suitable medium in the hope of detecting significant messages or visions. The objective might be personal guidance, prophecy, revelation, or inspiration, but down the ages, scrying in various forms also has been a prominent means of divination or fortune-telling.[1] It remains popular in occult circles, discussed in many media, both modern and centuries old. Contents 1 Definitions and terminology 2 Media 3 Methods 4 Religion and mythology 4.1 Hebrew Bible 4.2 Ancient Persia 4.3 Latter Day Sa int movement 5 In folklore 6 Scientific reception 7 Modern-day traditions and fictions 8 See also 9 References 10 Further reading 11 External links Definitions and terminology There is no definitive distinction between scrying and other aids to clairvoyance, augury, or divination, but roughly speaking, scrying depends on fancied impressions of visions in the medium of choice. Ideally in this respect it differs from augury, which relies on interpretations of objectively observable objects or events (such as flight of birds); from divination, which depends on standardized processes or rituals; from oneiromancy, which depends on the interpretation of dreams; from the physiological effects of psychoactive drugs; and from clairvoyance, which notionally does not depend on objective sensory stimuli. Clairvoyance in other words, is regarded as amounting in essence to extrasensory perception.
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