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Performer AKA Audrey Lane, Gema Tallons Birthday No data Astrology No data Birthplace No data Years Active 1990-1997 Ethnicity Caucasian Nationality/Heritage No data Hair Color Blond Odyssey Anal Facial DP 1991 Amateur Lesbians 5 Gourmet Video Collection LezOnly 1991 O Anal Illusions Las Vegas Video LezOnly 1991 Blonde Forces Coast To Coast 1991 DRO Box Of Slavegirls London Video/Lyndon Distributors NonSex 1995 O Fetish Files IBN NonSex 1995 Final Orgy B & D Pleasures NonSex 1996 O Four Of A Kind Bon Vue Enterprises NonSex 1995 Full House Bon Vue Enterprises NonSex 1995 O Gang Bang Bitches London Video/Lyndon Distributors NonSex 1996 DRO Girls In Heat Zane Entertainment Group LezOnly 1991 DRO Heavy Petting Essex Video / Electric Hollywood Anal Facial DP IR 1991 DRO Lady And The Champ Arrow Productions 1991 O Lascivious Ladies Of Dr. Lipo Odyssey Anal Facial DP IR 1991 Lesbian Lingerie Fantasy 4 Eye Shadow Productions LezOnly 1990 Maiden Heaven 2 Midnight Video LezOnly 1993 Main Course Arrow Productions 1993 O Mistress Calling IBN NonSex 1995 DO Mistress of Misery (II) L.B.O. Entertainment NonSex 1996 Mondo Bitches Unknown NonSex 1991 DRO Mr. Peepers' Amateur Home Videos 11: Fur Pie Smorgasbord L.B.O. Entertainment Measurements No data Height No data Weight No data Tattoos No data Non-Ear Piercings No data Comments There are no comments for this performer. Website No data Factory Home Video 1991 Play Mistress For Me IBN NonSex 1995 Portraits Of Pain B & D Pleasures NonSex 1995 Pro Ball Vidco Entertainment 1991 DRO Quadruple Trample IBN NonSex 1995 Right On Track IBN NonSex 1996 O Single Girl Masturbation 4 Eye Shadow Productions MastOnly 1990 Slave Sisters London Video/Lyndon Distributors NonSex 1995 DRO Sneak A Peek Flame Video 1993 Spanke Shoppe Audition Harmony Concepts NonSex 1996 Stalker's Punishment IBN NonSex 1995 London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1993 X Abducted London Video/Lyndon Distributors 2001 X Bedford Wives London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1994 X Bedroom Bondage London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1994 X Bondage Asylum London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1995 X Bondage Cheerleaders London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1991 X Bondage Club 1 London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1988 X Bondage Club 2 London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1988 Bondage Club 3 London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1988 Bondage Club 4 London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1988 X Bondage Club 5 London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1989 X Bondage Proposal London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1997 X Bondage Society London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1990 X Bondage Tales 3 London Video/Lyndon Distributors 2003 X Booth London Video/Lyndon Distributors 2000 X Bound And Tortured London Video/Lyndon Distributors 2002 X Bound Destiny London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1993 X Bound For Stardom London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1992 X Bound Servitude London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1997 X Box Of Slavegirls London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1995 X Brats In Bondage London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1993 Burnt Buns London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1999 X Butch Cassidy Beats Sundance Kitty London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1998 Buyer Beware London Video/Lyndon Distributors 2000 X Captive Coeds London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1996 X Captive In Sumanka London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1996 Captives London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1985 X Cave of Forbidden Love London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1998 Contract London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1995 X Corporal Dreams London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1998 X Corrected London Video/Lyndon Distributors 2001 X Crossing The Limit London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1997 X Cult of the Whip London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1995 X Dangerous Desires London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1998 X Destined For Pain London Video/Lyndon Distributors 2002 X Dis-assembled London Video/Lyndon Distributors 2001 X Disciplinarians London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1996 X Disciplinary Action London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1999 X Disciplined Daughter London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1991 X Doctor Scourge London Video/Lyndon Distributors 2001 X Doctorate Of Discipline London Video/Lyndon Distributors 1999 X Domina Nation London Video/Lyndon Distributors 2000 X Domination Games London Video/Lyndon Distributors Step To The Rear Vidco Entertainment Anal Facial DP IR 1991 DRO Taped Tied and Tormented Antoine Antics NonSex 1996 O Task Mistress IBN NonSex 1995 Taste For Submission Unknown NonSex 1991 DRO Tell Me What To Do Caballero Home Video 1992 DRO Therapist From Hell L.B.O. Entertainment NonSex 1997 DRO To The Rear VCA 1993 Toying Around Flame Video 1992 Transformed B & D Pleasures NonSex 1995 DRO Wrecked Rendezvous London Video/Lyndon Distributors NonSex 1997
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